I went and saw Covenant on Sunday night. Melotron opened for them and were pretty bad. Covenant was off by two full measures for their first 2-3 songs, and then got REALLY GOOD all of a sudden. It was good to see all the rivet kids again. I got to chill w/ my friend Brien who I haven't seen in ages. He might come be my roommate. I haven't discussed anything w/ Nick. Nick and I haven't discussed what the deal is between us and we've been sleeping together for 2 months now. I wanted to talk to him about it last night but he was really bummed about not being able to graduate on time due to one paper he didn't complete years ago that came back to haunt him 5 days before grad.
Graduation was fun. Turns out one of my grades wasn't in yet, so I couldn't get my diploma, I have to go see if I can get it today. The yearbook is hideous, I've said my goodbyes to my friends that I will most likely never see again, and I got the number and e-mail addy of a certain cutie Illustration major that I'm totally in love w/ named Joseph. He's quiet and into sci-fi and science and his art is incredible and his ideas are amazing. Good person to know later on in life, I am sure. I need to start working on my website hardcore.
I got a postcard accepted in the senior portfolio book that gets sent out to 2000 art directors, editors, and publishing houses. Hopefully I will be getting some freelance work sometime in the near future. That would rock.

Graduation was fun. Turns out one of my grades wasn't in yet, so I couldn't get my diploma, I have to go see if I can get it today. The yearbook is hideous, I've said my goodbyes to my friends that I will most likely never see again, and I got the number and e-mail addy of a certain cutie Illustration major that I'm totally in love w/ named Joseph. He's quiet and into sci-fi and science and his art is incredible and his ideas are amazing. Good person to know later on in life, I am sure. I need to start working on my website hardcore.
I got a postcard accepted in the senior portfolio book that gets sent out to 2000 art directors, editors, and publishing houses. Hopefully I will be getting some freelance work sometime in the near future. That would rock.

saki is food right?