@rambo and @missy want us to write about how sg has changed our lives this week ! Coincidentally that has become one of my favorite things to talk about ! I have been a hopeful since december 2013, the amount of growth i have seen with in myself during that year and a half honestly blows me away . Anybody who knows me in person will tell you the same thing !not only has my modeling improved but so has my ability to be a true friend. For the first time in my life i amsurrounded by happy and confident women who do nothing but lift each other up and encourage one another. Very raw and honest friendships such as these are so hard to come by today and i think alot of that has to do with one fact ; we are all happy with ourselves and that is why we are able to be real friends to one another rather than be fake and catty and try to one up one another. I cant imagine my life with out sg actually - i really do not think i would have started my business had i not been involved with sg and that is definitely something i could not even fathom. Thanks in large part to sg i have also gotten better with commitment and dedication and i kept going despite how difficult making lingerie was for me in the beginning : i can seriously say i am very proud of where i am today not just in my business but in my personal life and in society period ! I have nothing but love for sg , its staff and the ladies ive met so far ! Back in early january i started planning a shootfest with cdo and 9 other hopefuls and sgs and its finally happening this friday i am beyond excited to establish more relationships in this community and look forward to sharing pictures with you guys !
Awesome to read!