...and now to start work. I met with the faculty member that I'll be working for, in order to construct a nice little schedule for myself. We both thought it best for me to work from home... huzzzzah! So that's only two days a week now that I'll be commuting to school - 2 classes there, one in PVD, one online. Bwahahaaaa - oh fuck, I already bought a car so that I could drive back/forth (when maybe I could've just borrowed Sigmatic's sweet ride 2 days a week... wh well, at least this'll save on gas BIG time. This also means that I only have to wear pants 2 days a week?! Fantastic.
Sorry to hear that, the rollerderby was fun. It was quite the spectacle, although I had no idea what was going on.
Oh, god, I would love to work from home!