i got to see my dog today! he hasn't been around b/c i'm a jack ass and i'm taking sooo long to finish my living room. but hopelly i'll get it done tomarrow. we sat and i patted his head and he gave me kisses. he looked like he lost weight too. i like him soo much it hurts my feelings! i mean the cat is fine and all but he doesn't know how to smuggle as well.
Being lonely seems to be the theme this year. The fact that it is cold makes it even worse. Know what you mean though. It is nice when there is someone there to be with. I'm at a point in my life where all of my friends are either married or with someone they might as well be married to anyway. But I always feel that it is better to be alone and somewhat happy than to be with somebody and be miserable.
i actually found myself to be contracting some sort of death sickness the same day you did. weird. dogs are the greatest thing ever, regardless of what cat lovers say. may your upcoming week be filled with health(y/i?)ness and doggy kisses to the max. take care.