i will post one last poem here. hope y'all enjoy.

Boo Ya, Motherfucker!

Annes dad died a double-amputee, legs lost
to a single-jungle-blast of Viet-Cong artillery.
Just joshin ya: he was as much of a soldier as
I am an astronaut, no radio to Cape Canaveral,
stranded for days in space, but anyway:
when the body fails to deliver blood to the legs,
they get...
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Yeah, I like them...
DUDE! Happy Birthday!!! kiss biggrin
hey guys, i'm canceling my membership to this site. not because i don't like it, merely because i don't really have the money anymore. but it's been fun, and everyone is still more than welcome to hit me up via email or instant messenger. take care of yourselves, it's been great looking at naked girls and whatnot. much love to you all.

that's sad. you're from kalamazoo and i do too. if you get this before you're canceled, we should get together.
thanks to everyone who gave suggestions about grad schools, i really appreciate it and will take every single one of them into consideration.

i went to chicago with two of my best friends ever a few days ago and it was one of the best times i've had in a really long time. it was my first time in chi-CAG-oh and it is really a...
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Started a new group, just fyi...

yo check it. revised grad school list.

university of alabama
university of arizona
university of houston
brown university
the new school
temple university
university of wisconsin-madison
columbia university (nyc)
university of virginia
wayne state university (blah, i know)
university of massachusettes-amherst

anyone have any recommendations? besides to scratch the ivy league schools off my list for the fact that i have no shot of getting...
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I've been to parties at umass amherst. fun times!!!! biggrin as far as the education you'll get I've seen as many success stories as I have for any other larger university in our area.
Good Luck
nice doggie
oh i still write a poem or two here and there.

Heart Failure (unfinished)

Is the common cold of cardiovascular conditions,
doctors and physicians used to say - pesky as hell, leaving
hypochondriacs shaking in their boots! So when Pvt. Riddick
succumbed to it, all I could do was think,
This man dodged bullets in Japan for years and
God doesn't think that his heart...
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last night, i had a pretty sweet little party at my apartment. a lot of my friends from work came along with some other people that i love hanging out with that i, sadly, don't get to see all that much of.

august 4-5, i will be in chicago with beth and anne, celebrating anne's 21st birthday in style.
august 9-13, i will be in...
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Hheeh I love parties.. Invite me next time!
Have fun celebrating her 21st bday..

Countdowns are so much!
Thanks for dropping by my journal smile

Happy Monday!
Have a satanic Tuesday!
the computer still sucks. my work's been busier. that's a good thing. four-word sentence fragments. the girl is gone. the moirai is incredible. i will visit mary. should be driving today. back brakes are shady. sent out poetry yesterday. must pay the bills. must quit smoking soon. must stop drinking sooner. the show went deliciously. mopeds are still lame. deal with it, kids. i want...
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Happy Dancin Friday!

Hope you have a wonderfully sinful weekend.
alpha) i just heard gunshots. sounds like home.

beta) there is a picture of my tattoo up in my pictures thing.

gamma) my band is playing a show on friday. excitement.

delta) i'm exhausted. get a grip, kirk.
hi you. i'm researching teachers at schools. it's an interesting time. hope you're well.
I'm glad you liked the lyrics- I think she is an amazing writer!
(yay) i drank a 12 pack of beer with my family yesterday.
(yay) my dog is so incredibly wonderful.
(yay) digital camera is working again, so i will have pictures of my new tattoo soon.
(yay) my band is playing a show in kalamazoo on friday.
(yay) in a couple days i will send stuff out to a couple journals for publication, hopefully.
(yay) one...
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what are said x-factors?
dear l.a. lakers: don't fuck with detroit. you don't know how we do things around there.

dear work: please grovel at my feet and beg forgiveness for scheduling me on my best friend's 21st birthday, which i requested off 3 months ago.

dear girl: you make me incredibly happy at most times yet unbearably sad at others. please don't leave me guessing.

dear doggy: i...
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my school list is completed. yay!!

....now i just get to worry about getting into one of those schools. *shrug* we'll see.

hope all is well with ya kiss
yesterday consisted of the following: buying two cool shirts from salvation army. buying groceries. talking to one of my best friends, who lives in wisconsin, to learn that her dad is dying. watching a little girl get hit by a car. freaking out, calling 911, and watching helplessly. smoking a pack of cigarettes. drinking five beers. going to the bar and drinking two pitchers of...
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dude, your entry is really fucked up. that day, my friend, was really fucked up.

ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod i'm writing lawrence raab an email right now and i feel like a fucking kid in a candy store. i'm all like 'aaahhhhh don't make an ass of yourself' in a fucking email. it's fun. hehe
hahahaha i got this email back that says 'this is a recording' saying he's not receiving email through june 17th...but it definitely definitely definitely has his fucking home phone number in it!!! surreal holy god excuse me while i faint.