Hello............................ Hey, how's it going ? Not much happening here. Feeling sorry for myself , so I thought I might just drink myself silly.It's not working. I can't even do that right.Oh well, at least I'm enjoying it. A wise man once told me that drinking by yourself was a sign of alcoholism. HI! MY NAME IS JERRY AND I HAVE A PROBLEM............
Anyways....Where was I, Oh yeah feeling sorry for myself. Well somebody has to and I figured that since I'm my only firend it should be me. Who better than the ones that love you . Right? But it all gets better with time. I'll find more friends, I'll fall in love again(I hope). I just need to give it time. Maybe I need to move back home to Texas and give it another go. It has been 5 years. I just don't know if I'm ready to face the memories that I left there.But to move on I think that at some point I'm going to need some sort of closure.
Hmm...Last beer. To late to go get more,Damn Damn Damn. Well enough of my whining. Hope everyone is having a great night.