Well I'm out of my " FUNK " finally. I regress into a " FUNK " every year at this time. It's my time to vent and mourn a special love I lost five years ago. Have you ever lost someone so special to you that you felt life couldn't go on without them? It really makes you realize how fragile ones life really is and how hard it is to try and cope and get on with living. Well I'm bumming myself out , so I'll move on. Well it's 9 pm in the grand state of Oklahoma. Windy and 21 degrees.Haven't been doing a whole lot because it's been so cold.Supposed to be in the 60's for the next 5 days so maybe I'll get out of the house and reacquaint myself with the outside world. Maybe go out and see if I can find some new music to listen to. Any suggestions ? Might even wash my car since it's totally filthy. Yeah! Thats what I need to do first.Then I can go look for music. Well , now I have a game plan and that should get the ball rolling for the next few days.Well it's almost my bed time so I better finish this up and go take a shower and get my beauty rest so that Ill be ready for work in the morning. GOOD NIGHT!!!!!!!!!
P.S Thanks for the {{HUGS}} Faith.You will always be in my thoughts and prayers.
P.S Thanks for the {{HUGS}} Faith.You will always be in my thoughts and prayers.
It's supposed to get down to around -35 to -40 tonight (celcius) which is a good temp to convert, as the fahrenheit and celcius scales meet at -40 if I remember correctly ( ie -40 F = -40 C) damn cold.
Glad to hear you're coming out of you funk.