i am being redifined as stated in an unknown book in some dusty corner of an old room, on a queit street that very few people happen to chance upon.
what that means i dont have a fucking clue, but it is note worthy all the same.
sometimes people stand still for too long and forget who they are, one day they just wake up and realise they dont want to be covered in dust anymore. so they start walking.
i am walking now, and i find myself in the most unusual of places, drinking life and getting very, very drunk.
i think i like it here. i may just become an alcoholic.
what that means i dont have a fucking clue, but it is note worthy all the same.
sometimes people stand still for too long and forget who they are, one day they just wake up and realise they dont want to be covered in dust anymore. so they start walking.
i am walking now, and i find myself in the most unusual of places, drinking life and getting very, very drunk.
i think i like it here. i may just become an alcoholic.

Of coarse I was kidding, and it would help if I knew how to spell bleed. I am such an ass.
....i like your artwork.