On a path. There.
Walk. Reveal. Revolve.
To the side. Stares.
Satires. Arrogance. Aromas
Noticed. Did not care.
Smiling road. Dead.
Grass. Innocence. Incest.
Open Jaws. Turned Heads.
Voyage. Awe. Awesome.
Imagine. Spoken words said.
Walk. Reveal. Revolve.
To the side. Stares.
Satires. Arrogance. Aromas
Noticed. Did not care.
Smiling road. Dead.
Grass. Innocence. Incest.
Open Jaws. Turned Heads.
Voyage. Awe. Awesome.
Imagine. Spoken words said.

She knows how I feel. I know how she feels. the way we feel is pretty similar, and we both know why it probably wouldnt work. Neither one of us is at the right time or place for this, I think we had our chance and let it pass us by, but maybe it will come again. I have decided not to push anything anymore. With anyone.