Hey all, been like 6 months since the last entry. All is well here, the weather is awesome. Im still waiting around for the damn simulus checks, I must be the last on the list >.> I did get a letter saying it will be in on the 5th... but was a no show.

Anyways, how was everyones 4th? I ended up staying in, cause...
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Yay for your new guild!biggrin Thats great! Im still waiting on my check too! Lame... Anyway, Its actually in Hooksett. Empire.. Definetly tell her to come by! I would love too!
Hmm i Suppose I should be updating this here and there. I've been listening to the new Everytime I Die Album, which is incredible. And finally taking the time to again go back and watch all the Lord of the rings movies.... I want to read the books someday... maybe someday shocked

I've been sucked into WoW as usual, leveling a third character : /

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Do you have a horde on Shadow Concil? I need to level so bad.. Ive been playing a ton lately, but i went to get on just now and i need to pay for more time! eeek So i haaaaave to do that tomorrow haha. What lvl/class/race are your chars? I looove turtles! I had one like 5 years ago. They are great! Now I only have a bearded dragon and leopard gecko, but they are my babies! love
Horde FTW! lol
Well Moria's new Photoset will be posted tomorrow on her account, I have some posted here in my Teasers album, have a look around =D let me know what ya think.
Moria's new set looks awesome smile shes beautiful!

And about the blog........i really cant remember writing it!! lol everythings ok now thanks, I was just at that drunk dramatic/emo stage!

Hope everythings good with you smile
Thats exactly what I thought! Bloody cheek lol
free anything my friend is always good....
Hey hey, Ive been a member here at SG since 2004, but... you see Moria stole my account, finally I've had funds to get my own... again hehe. Anyways hello all =D