i just found out that my boyfriend would rather sit inside playing on his computer than go outside on such a gorgeous day.
all i want to do is go outside and lie down in the grass and soak up the sun (after applying about 10 gallons of sunscreen of course) but if i want to do that, it looks like i'll be doing it alone. he said something to the tune of "as long as i've got a fridge, a toilet, and a computer, there's no need to go outside".
we haven't been dating for very long, but i'm already getting a little tired of sitting inside watching movies or tv on his bed. it's getting warmer outside and i have been thinking of some things we can do to get away from those dreaded four white walls.
i already told him that i would like to get out more with him, even if it's just to the bar or something. in the past 3 weeks, the only times we have gone out together were to go to the bar once, go out for lunch once, and to go get dinner once (which we immediately brought back to his place so we could watch a movie and eat). i would really like to just go do something. go live life instead of sitting around. maybe it's my illness that makes me appreciate the little things more than most. knowing that i won't ever have the luxury of a carefree life makes me want to take everyday and make the most of it. and i want zach to be there with me. i can't live life to it's fullest while sitting in someone's bed staring at a computer screen all night.
....am i being too pushy?....

we haven't been dating for very long, but i'm already getting a little tired of sitting inside watching movies or tv on his bed. it's getting warmer outside and i have been thinking of some things we can do to get away from those dreaded four white walls.
i already told him that i would like to get out more with him, even if it's just to the bar or something. in the past 3 weeks, the only times we have gone out together were to go to the bar once, go out for lunch once, and to go get dinner once (which we immediately brought back to his place so we could watch a movie and eat). i would really like to just go do something. go live life instead of sitting around. maybe it's my illness that makes me appreciate the little things more than most. knowing that i won't ever have the luxury of a carefree life makes me want to take everyday and make the most of it. and i want zach to be there with me. i can't live life to it's fullest while sitting in someone's bed staring at a computer screen all night.
....am i being too pushy?....
sounds like hes just a bit of a shutin