When you think about giving up look inside yourself and ask yourself what makes you feel that way. Go there and take that feeling out of focus. Go read a book you like, eat a tasty snack or look at the sky in the late afternoon.
We all know that life offers a lot of good, yet you have to be realistic. In the same coin, life presents situations that take away our sleep. A relationship that is doing badly; a stressful job; illness or lack of family support. The prejudice of society, unemployment and even lack of money are reasons why we suffer. I have a bad habit of isolating myself, not answering the phone. I know this is not good for me. I'm trying to change that. Reading about it and looking for meditation practice. has helped me a lot.
Respect your time, no one is doing well 24 hours a day. But learn to respect other people's time.
You don't have to pretend that life is perfect. She is not. But one thing is certain. You have to choose what to fight for, even when you are sad. Giving up is also not the solution, even if you think the pain will go away. The pain will never go away, it will be part of the lives of those who stayed. You may not feel special or loved. But your life is very important, we wanted you to realize that.
When thinking about giving up because of problems, remember that difficulties come and go. What you are feeling will not last forever.
Talk to someone frankly and even deeply. You can choose a friend you trust or, at best, someone in your family. It's time to open your heart to someone, don't you think? During the conversation, you are not afraid to expose yourself. So, reinforcing, you need to look for someone you trust or a professional. Talk about your anxieties and ask for help. Do not accept a "tomorrow you will be better" or a "soon pass, it is a phase". The important thing is that you make them understand that you are not well, that the situation is serious and that you need someone to support you and receive help.
I know this is a relatively difficult subject, but the intention was to say that you are not alone.