Sorry for never updating, i've been crazy busy lately. Lots of work, moving out of apartment soon...moving in with girl...might get a house...holy shit.
I hope to actually go to an event sometime, it could be fun.
Yet even though there are many good things going on, it always seems like there have to be equal and opposite things as well. So much stress, I... Read More
ahh, life is good. I went to the zoo tuesday. It was a blast, except for all the annoying bastard school children. I like kids, but they were dumb and annoying.
I wish I could have snapped a picture of the Thirteen Lined Ground Squirrel eating a piece of popcorn. It was so perfect! We saw the Imax movie about Africa. I don't think 3D... Read More
So tonight I went out with a bunch of guys from work. There was this one new guy who was pissing me off. He seems to have some vendetta against Emo. I can understand, given that Dashboard Confessional is most peoples greatest exposure to the genre of Emo. But this guy was being an asshole all night and wouldn't let it drop. I almost lost... Read More
People always need something to bitch about. I don't know why though. And yes I have run into ppl that dis SG b/c the women are "weird". Excuse me if I think normal women are fuckin sexy instead of plastic surgery blonde barbie dolls. hee hee
For once, life is good. I have a job that I love, a woman that I love and otherwise, I'm happy. Doesn't bode well for making music, but now I'm ready to do some serious recording. When I have some demo's, I'll post links here. Maybe I should start checking out the TC group again, hang out with some cool people and friends.
Yay, today was happy surgery day. Hopefully my ankle will stop hurting now. For now though, my leg is still numb from the knee down but it's starting to wear off and I'm having some terrible twitching that's keeping me from sleeping. Blah, blah, bitch bitch.
Gotta grab my crutches and get over to the couch. dave out
can you get free ipods, too?
everyone i know in america seems to be doing the free ipod thing, and i can't do it, because i live in fucking denmark and ipods are too expensive for someone like me.
Fuck, it's hot in here. I know that I should be glad to have heat but this is just too much...and I can't get it cooled down. Anyways, I dyed my hair black, as you can kinda see. Thanks for the heads up stiffy, I'm hoping to make it this sunday. I was actually planning on coming already, I saw the ad at Grumpy's.... Read More
So yea, there's me. I decided to experiment with eyeliner after a couple beers. I'm sure that I fucked it up but it was worth a shot right?
To answer genevieve's question. My V-day was great. I spent the whole day with my love. Later on we went to Lunds and got some supplies to make dinner. It was a fuckin madhouse over there!... Read More
Sunday February 27 @ 7:00 PM
Cheap Skate
3075 Coon Rapids Boulevard
Minneapolis MN 55433
* When: February 27, 2005 at 7PM
* Where: Cheap Skate in Coon Rapids
* Tickets: $8 in advance; $10 at the door. All ages. Buy your tickets in advance online at!
* Details: The Soviettes will be rocking it at half time.
$3 Beer all night
Yes Yes, that's my girlfriend. She's a cutie too! Although, I have to say that she is hotter than she looks in the pic.
Too bad that we can't fuck right now. I'm sick as a dog and now she's getting it. I know that being sick doesn't stop us but this cold really kicks your ass. Everyone should value their health very much!