I can't believe my youngin is half a month old already. Wow.
She is really starting to wake up and look at the world around her. So cute!
I want to thank everyone for their congratulations, I would do it all individually, but I don't really have the time right now, hope you can understand.
Funny shit:
1: I was taking a bath with Annabella when I saw her put her fist to her chin and furrow her brow.
This was followed by a loud splattering sound as she shit on my right thigh...yummy.
2: I was up to feed her at 3am and I sent the man downstairs to get the bottle I pumped earlier.. he came running upstairs bleary eyed with a half gallon of 2%...I should have been more specific when I told him to bring the milk.
In other news I have learned that the show Laguna Beach represents everything I hate about
people....I also couldn't bring myself to turn it off. My excuse is I was giving Annabella her first lesson on the deterioration of humanity and how to survive an encounter with a valley girl... (wave ambercrombie and fitch merch in face till hypnotized, throw said merch off of 2, preferably 3 story building, ensure splatterage of dumb bitch on pavement, run like hell.)
I've gotta go, my boobie hound just woke up!!
She is really starting to wake up and look at the world around her. So cute!
I want to thank everyone for their congratulations, I would do it all individually, but I don't really have the time right now, hope you can understand.
Funny shit:
1: I was taking a bath with Annabella when I saw her put her fist to her chin and furrow her brow.
This was followed by a loud splattering sound as she shit on my right thigh...yummy.
2: I was up to feed her at 3am and I sent the man downstairs to get the bottle I pumped earlier.. he came running upstairs bleary eyed with a half gallon of 2%...I should have been more specific when I told him to bring the milk.
In other news I have learned that the show Laguna Beach represents everything I hate about
people....I also couldn't bring myself to turn it off. My excuse is I was giving Annabella her first lesson on the deterioration of humanity and how to survive an encounter with a valley girl... (wave ambercrombie and fitch merch in face till hypnotized, throw said merch off of 2, preferably 3 story building, ensure splatterage of dumb bitch on pavement, run like hell.)
I've gotta go, my boobie hound just woke up!!
Happy belated birthday!!