Wow. So I really did drop off the face of the earth for a while, there, didn't I?
So, I managed to get through both my last opera directing gig (ok reviews, fantastic audience reception) and a production by my theatre company (fantastic reviews and reception) realtively unscathed. However, I spent most of my free time between then and now in bed, sick as a dog. Ah well -- a break is still a break.
Unfortunately, I've already been tossed back into the fire -- we're a week into rehearsals for our last opera of the season. Now, I usually enjoy rehearsals, and we have a pretty decent crew of people for this one, but we've had 12 hour days of rehearsal all week, and that kind of takes some of the fun out of it. Part of the job, I guess. At least the people are nice -- that does make the whole thing feel more worth it. And, I'm only assistant-directing it -- so it's not my responsibility if it doesn't turn out well.
The only real unpleasantness is the fact that I really dislike our Stage Manager -- she's a loud, pushy, prudish, caustic, domineering, vindictive bitch with more issues than National Geographic -- but, she somehow happens to be good friends with my ex-girlfriend (who I'm doing my best to stay on good terms with). So, I have to bite my tongue a lot and play extra-nice, because if I don't, I know she'll go straight to my ex and tell her awful, exaggerated nonsense about me. Ugh. Can't wait for her to be gone.
Anyway, when all this is over, I think I'm due for a nice vacation. No idea where I'd go, but it would be nice to get away for a while. Maybe a cruise...(checks bank account)...or, maybe something cheap, like camping.
Anyway, hope all of you are well.
So, I managed to get through both my last opera directing gig (ok reviews, fantastic audience reception) and a production by my theatre company (fantastic reviews and reception) realtively unscathed. However, I spent most of my free time between then and now in bed, sick as a dog. Ah well -- a break is still a break.
Unfortunately, I've already been tossed back into the fire -- we're a week into rehearsals for our last opera of the season. Now, I usually enjoy rehearsals, and we have a pretty decent crew of people for this one, but we've had 12 hour days of rehearsal all week, and that kind of takes some of the fun out of it. Part of the job, I guess. At least the people are nice -- that does make the whole thing feel more worth it. And, I'm only assistant-directing it -- so it's not my responsibility if it doesn't turn out well.
The only real unpleasantness is the fact that I really dislike our Stage Manager -- she's a loud, pushy, prudish, caustic, domineering, vindictive bitch with more issues than National Geographic -- but, she somehow happens to be good friends with my ex-girlfriend (who I'm doing my best to stay on good terms with). So, I have to bite my tongue a lot and play extra-nice, because if I don't, I know she'll go straight to my ex and tell her awful, exaggerated nonsense about me. Ugh. Can't wait for her to be gone.
Anyway, when all this is over, I think I'm due for a nice vacation. No idea where I'd go, but it would be nice to get away for a while. Maybe a cruise...(checks bank account)...or, maybe something cheap, like camping.
Anyway, hope all of you are well.

Well here's hoping you can survive this despite your annoying Stage Manager!
Good luck on your show! Maybe you can go on a trip to Colonial Williamsburg for a couple days or something -- it would be educational!