And like a puff of smoke, he's gone.

(for 9 days)
Are you Emo?

If so, I hate you, just like the rest of the world does.

edit: I despise chicken noodle soup.

There's a lot behind that, so let me leave it as the start of my thesis. Firstly, I'll let it stand as it reads on the surface; I really do despise chicken noodle soup. I'm a man of a somewhat exotic pallate....
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2 Hard disks down in less than 5 days.

Damn I'm good.
That's why you are the best! (Well, that's one reason why......) wink
Write a new journal entry you tart! I keep checking so see if you wrote anything new and you still haven't! ......I'm a mean girl! wink
Perhaps I'm being boring only writing about music.

Out of Exile is gorgeous. It's a very solid album, but there are a couple tracks (5 and 9) that are so juicy good and have such wonderful buildups that I'm retooling the term "Toolgasm" to "Musicasm" because Tool's lost exclusive rights to the idea.
Heh, someone showed me that picture in your profile just last night!
Wow, you haven't posted anything new in a while. Busy bee! I told you, stop programming for a while and have some fun! Silly boy! Hey, how was New York? wink
Through some humorous twist of fate, I have 50 gmail invites. Anyone want one? Anyone at all??
How about I add my 6 to your pot and we'll call it DUCK!

Yeah that didn't make sense to me either.

Swan, Swan, Swan... why oh why does gmail inflict these burdens upon us?
This thread stirs memories for me.

Its a little old story about the time I realized how much I love my dad. It is related to an awful dream, one I had while I was in college my senior year. I dreamt that I was a federal law enforcement agent, and that I needed to arrest my dad. My father is a man of many...
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yeah, hunters still seem a little...nerfed...to me. i've got two in my guild, one lvl 40, one ~lvl 30. they seem to be genuinely effective in group encounters (gosh i love pet taunts), but not so good at soloing.

i'll tell you though, the first time my friend faked death, and his hp's went from almost full to nothing in a blink, (and i being the only healer in the group) my heart about burst out of my chest. i'm suddenly frantically looking for whatever it was that killed him so i can avoid it (always being about 8 lvls behind the group i run around with), and still trying to heal our tank. then all of a sudden he's alive again, bashing away.....i was totally stumped. and the rat bastard waited a full five minutes before explaining what had happened. let me think my connection was glitchy or i was going crazy. wink and it never fails to amuse me to listen to them discussing what kind of critter they're hoping to tame.

(my shaman will still beat the pants off them every time though. and *i* get the pretty light show)
....because i haven't applied. wink
hahahah i know what you meant. i was just trying to make you feel better by adding the piratewink
ah! i just realized i forgot to put my char name. the server is Garona, char name Leytu.
if i ever have reason to come over to your server, i'll make sure to say hi. =)
For Christmas, I was given something that is very dififcult to receive. Harsh truth.

I lost my last hero, and now I am surrounded by fallible, mortal people who have flaws like I do. When I give people such harsh truths I often wish they could take it better than they do.

I like to think maybe I am taking this one better than they...
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Dear Santa,

Despite my lack of faith in your existance, I've still been a pretty good boy this year. I think you would agree.

I'm not looking for much in the way of material possessions this year, even though I know that's your gig. Instead if you could wrangle the following for me I would be very happy, and inclined to continue being a good...
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Hope you have a wonderful Christmas biggrin
nerd?? gee thanks lol