Possible epically long blog.
Got back from a road trip to Columbus for the Arnold Sports Festival. Had lots of fun, told my diet to go to hell, and took every free sample I could!
Long drive down on the Thursday but it wasn't so bad. Got into the ghetto hotel and past out. I wanted to be up early the next day as a few people I knew were competing in the amateur strongman competition.
Got there a bit late, but the amateurs hadn't started! that was sweet, watched as they attempted to clean and press a 315lb axle for reps... it was freakish... that is some serious weight. Next was the 800, 800, pound frame carry/pull. watching some guys move it like it was their luggage was crazy to see. Next was the car deadlift.
Before it started I got to meet one of England's strongest men, Terry Hollands.

Yeah, he makes me look small. Really nice guy. Watched one of my fellow Ontario guys make it to the top ten, then I ran off into the expo. Man it was a zoo! people everywhere, women in tight tight tight spandex selling everything. Big buff guys wondering around. More fake tans than the jersey shore and tons of douches in tight sparkly shirts. it was funny.
On the first day, the crowd got thick and we had to stop. Wondering why, it turned out Arnold was walking through the crowd.

This was the insanity that followed him around.
I waited and got a good shot of him.
Watched the pro strongman competition, which was insane to see. the second event was the big one, a hummer tire deadlift. It started with three tires of each side, once they got over 1000 pounds, they added the second set of tires.

The biggest lift of the day was 1110 pounds

Packed up after that and headed for some dinner. That ended up being the Sausage Haus.

It was sooooooo good. German food, german beer, and all for cheap. it was worth it. Goofing around outside and got my picture taken doing it.

The saturday was crazy, so many people... so so so many people... Ran around and got to meet a few other famous-ish people.

That's Mark Bell (maker of the slingshot and was in the movie Bigger, Stronger, Faster), Stan Efferding (world's strongest bodybuilder), and I didn't meet him but took a picture of current Mr. Olympia Jay Cutler. Mark and stan were both awesome guys, really really nice and talked for a bit. Mark even let me try the slingshot out!
It is that red thing around my arms/chest. Funky tool for benching. Just a packed crowds day. Watched more of the pro strongman that day. They did one of my favourite events, the atlas stones. and then the timber frame carry. the frame weighed in at 1050 pounds and they carried it up a ramp... just insane to watch.
Nick Best is shown moving it.
Crazy day, decided to try Four Loko that night... I am sad to say but I love it! too bad it isn't available in Canada.
Sunday was a slower day, got to meet Nick best and his Wife Callie Marunde, both awesome and I got to talk with them about strongman and stuff. it was awesome.
Also Met the winner of the Arnold strongman Classic, Brian Shaw
And strongman legend, Bill Kaizmier.
For me it was an amazing weekend. I love this kind of stuff. It's my adrenaline side compared to my calm side. I play both extremes where I feel as comfortable with these people as I do with people of SG. Personally, I do prefer the more accepting side here, but for me it was a chance to see why I do what I do and just be in awe of all of it. Plus, i'm not going to lie, the women there are damn hot. I love all women, I really do but like all preferences, or I guess more of a fetish, I enjoy extremely fit women. I like muscle but I also like tattoos. I guess it is me loving the two sides of the blade that make up me.
Got back from a road trip to Columbus for the Arnold Sports Festival. Had lots of fun, told my diet to go to hell, and took every free sample I could!

Long drive down on the Thursday but it wasn't so bad. Got into the ghetto hotel and past out. I wanted to be up early the next day as a few people I knew were competing in the amateur strongman competition.
Got there a bit late, but the amateurs hadn't started! that was sweet, watched as they attempted to clean and press a 315lb axle for reps... it was freakish... that is some serious weight. Next was the 800, 800, pound frame carry/pull. watching some guys move it like it was their luggage was crazy to see. Next was the car deadlift.
Before it started I got to meet one of England's strongest men, Terry Hollands.

Yeah, he makes me look small. Really nice guy. Watched one of my fellow Ontario guys make it to the top ten, then I ran off into the expo. Man it was a zoo! people everywhere, women in tight tight tight spandex selling everything. Big buff guys wondering around. More fake tans than the jersey shore and tons of douches in tight sparkly shirts. it was funny.
On the first day, the crowd got thick and we had to stop. Wondering why, it turned out Arnold was walking through the crowd.

This was the insanity that followed him around.
I waited and got a good shot of him.

Watched the pro strongman competition, which was insane to see. the second event was the big one, a hummer tire deadlift. It started with three tires of each side, once they got over 1000 pounds, they added the second set of tires.

The biggest lift of the day was 1110 pounds

Packed up after that and headed for some dinner. That ended up being the Sausage Haus.

It was sooooooo good. German food, german beer, and all for cheap. it was worth it. Goofing around outside and got my picture taken doing it.

The saturday was crazy, so many people... so so so many people... Ran around and got to meet a few other famous-ish people.

That's Mark Bell (maker of the slingshot and was in the movie Bigger, Stronger, Faster), Stan Efferding (world's strongest bodybuilder), and I didn't meet him but took a picture of current Mr. Olympia Jay Cutler. Mark and stan were both awesome guys, really really nice and talked for a bit. Mark even let me try the slingshot out!

It is that red thing around my arms/chest. Funky tool for benching. Just a packed crowds day. Watched more of the pro strongman that day. They did one of my favourite events, the atlas stones. and then the timber frame carry. the frame weighed in at 1050 pounds and they carried it up a ramp... just insane to watch.

Nick Best is shown moving it.
Crazy day, decided to try Four Loko that night... I am sad to say but I love it! too bad it isn't available in Canada.

Sunday was a slower day, got to meet Nick best and his Wife Callie Marunde, both awesome and I got to talk with them about strongman and stuff. it was awesome.

Also Met the winner of the Arnold strongman Classic, Brian Shaw

For me it was an amazing weekend. I love this kind of stuff. It's my adrenaline side compared to my calm side. I play both extremes where I feel as comfortable with these people as I do with people of SG. Personally, I do prefer the more accepting side here, but for me it was a chance to see why I do what I do and just be in awe of all of it. Plus, i'm not going to lie, the women there are damn hot. I love all women, I really do but like all preferences, or I guess more of a fetish, I enjoy extremely fit women. I like muscle but I also like tattoos. I guess it is me loving the two sides of the blade that make up me.
wow some amazing photos- that looks like it was a phenomenal show!!
not after the owner got drunk and yelled at me for dumb shit in front of everyone....yeah...i hate it