I'm in a really good mood right now because I'm about to embark on an adventure and that makes me smile from ear to ear. But in case you aren't as cheery as me this morning, I have prepared a little guide for the "happiness impaired."
~The Symptoms~
~The Cure~
~My Personal Suggestions
Listen to the Groovie Ghoulies really loud!
Hug someone you love!
Share your chocolate!
Plan a vacation!
Give spare change to the guy on the corner!
Put clean sheets on your bed (I suggest 1000 thread count)!
Call an old friend!
Call a new friend!
Smile at the guy that cut you off!
Take a bubble bath!
Give someone a complement!
Forgive someone who doesn't deserve it!
Put change in an expired parking meter!
Post a positive journal entry!
I'm off to work, folks. Everyone have a super groovie day!
Love to you,
~Your Assignment For The Day~
Tell me what you do to cheer yourself up ... and then go do it!
~The Symptoms~

~The Cure~

~My Personal Suggestions
Listen to the Groovie Ghoulies really loud!
Hug someone you love!
Share your chocolate!
Plan a vacation!
Give spare change to the guy on the corner!
Put clean sheets on your bed (I suggest 1000 thread count)!
Call an old friend!
Call a new friend!
Smile at the guy that cut you off!
Take a bubble bath!
Give someone a complement!
Forgive someone who doesn't deserve it!
Put change in an expired parking meter!
Post a positive journal entry!
I'm off to work, folks. Everyone have a super groovie day!
Love to you,

~Your Assignment For The Day~
Tell me what you do to cheer yourself up ... and then go do it!
i saw the weirdos last fall and it was an excellent and rocking show. have a blast this weekend at the show!

hey suzy...i think i misunderstood your comment in my journal the other day. i picked most of the right oscar winners ( i should have placed some bets in vegas), but i think aviator should have atleast won best picture or director. sorry about the confusion if there was any