Being a workaholic has it's advantages and disadvantages. For one, I have more money. And it does keep my mind, shall we say, occupied. I appreciate all the "it sucks to work on the weekend" sentiments I get from folks, but it's really not that bad. And so, my next journal entry is born: Why does Suzy really like her weekend job?
~The Night Before~
Whenever possible, I go out on Friday night. This Friday, I went to a pub with several people from sg. 730A_trixel_fem was visiting from Winnipeg for her birthday and invited me to join them for a drink. surlyclown, capnvik, obd, Thrashead and one other guy whose screen name I did not catch were also there. You know what a stalker I am with this camera phone, but I was shy because I didn't know anyone and it was probably too dark to get a descent shot at the table anyway. They were really nice people and I hope we can get together again sometime. I did get one picture ... this is what a glass looks like when you have run out of black and tan.
Anyway, beer and late nights (I got home at 4 AM, thanks to Thrashead, but I had fun!) usually means I must sleep in on Saturday. 1st good thing about my weekend job: I show up whenever I want! Since my boss will not commit to anything more than "I'll see you when you get here" neither do I.
~The Drive~
I have shared this already a million times before, but I like to drive my car ... fast ... through canyons, if possible. With all the rain, I have had to take freeways because my car has rear wheel drive and low profile tires, which are not very good when combined with water and winding roads. Yesterday was still dry, though, so I took Laurel Canyon. I always love Los Angeles after a good rain because everything is so green. So basically, by the time I hit West Hollywood, I have already had my therapy session for the day and I'm at one with nature.
Since it was afternoon by the time I hit the other side of the hill, you would think I would rush right off to work. But hanging with Josh for numerous hours takes careful preparation. You see, Josh is *REALLY* my friend. I love that guy. If he needed me, I'd be there. And he has been there many, many times for me. I taught him how to use eBay the first time I met him. It was Christmas, 5 years ago, and I answered a Recycler ad for a Gibson hardshell case. I needed this case for the Les Paul that was to be Steve's Christmas present. You see, I was very poor that year, and giving him a guitar was a real stretch. So, I was just making polite conversation with this guy while I was buying the case for $30 and I mentioned that he could probably make a killing on eBay. His eyes lit up and he was like, "Dude, if you can show me how to use eBay, I will give you this case ... and more!" So I went into the house and spent the next hour helping him setup an account and showing him some basics about cropping photos and stuff. I got the case and a strap and some strings and stuff. It was the start of a great business and personal relationship. I love this guy! Having said that, let me assure you he is a real prick to work for and he has to compensate me well for the abuse I take.
So the first step in the preparation process is the drive but the second step is, of course, coffee. I really look forward to my coffee stops at Urth Caffe on Melrose. But it was a bad idea to show up there during lunch. This is just so freakin' LA! I waited in line 15 minutes for a cup of coffee!
Was it worth it? Oh, heck yeah! It just doesn't get any better than this.
Two other observations I made while tooling around the streets of West Hollywood. 1. Gelson's market rocks! I wish I could afford to shop there! 2. I have on pink socks!
~The Work Environment~
I saunter into the house at about 1:30 PM. That is a little late, even for me. Josh is in an uncharacteristically good mood. He tells me he is getting pussy regularly. I guess he has a girlfriend now. Her name is Suzy. So Josh hangs out with two Suzy's all day long. He is on his best behavior and leaves me alone for almost all day. Suzy, you rock! Please don't dump him ... I need you!
So I'm outside setting up camera shots. There were a handful of rack effects, a couple pedals, a keyboard, three amps ... and the things I live to fondle and photograph: The guitars! Nothing too spectacular yesterday. There were 2 Telecastors. One was that Midnight Wine color which is a rich burgundy, looking almost black. It is an incredible finish but really hard to photograph. There was also a C.F Martin & Co. Cutout Acoustic Electric that had a beautiful natural mahogany finish. Anyway, Josh is in the house leaving me alone and I'm out on the porch in the beautiful fresh air when one of Josh's friends show up. Cool people are in and out of this house all day long! Ladies, you should see the eye candy that parades in and out all day long. So this handsome man steps onto the porch and asks if Josh is home. I'm such a dork, I ask him what his name is and realize that it is printed on both his shirt and his belt buckle. I retrieve Josh from the other Suzy and he tells me to stop working and come see this dude's new car. Fuck! I love the people that come to Josh's house! Check out this ride.
There are times I wish I had a real camera with me. This is one of them. My camera phone does not do this color or finish any sort of justice. What a beautiful ride. The back end is a Dodge and the front end a Chrysler. The exterior is perfect. The interior is not yet complete. I like a man who likes a project and this is a worthy one.
Nice big block Mopar engine ... a 361 bored out to, he said, about 400.
I think I'm in love by the time I have completely circled the car. I was going to take a picture of his Spuds McKinsey style dog, too, but Josh started barking orders to get back to work, so back to work I went.
I work pretty steady, but you cannot beat the interruptions I do take. The doctor came over. Yes, a real doctor and he makes house calls. Beverly Hills is a different world, folks. But he is a super nice man. And then some graphics dude hit me up for some advice on FTP clients while I smoked a joint with him in the back yard. At some point, Josh went and got my car keys so he could jump start someone's Harley with my car. And then he made me a salad. Remember when I mentioned Gelsons Market? Josh shops there. He had all sorts of tomatoes, like yellow cherry tomatoes, and baby lettuce, goat cheese, seeds, peppers, the whole 9 yards. Josh always feeds me good. I got shrimp tacos from Paquito Mas, too. What a good food day!
At some point, a kid showed up to sell a Telecaster. Josh was trying to entertain him and asked if he wanted water, coffee, whatever ... the kid didn't want anything. Ever persistent, he was like ... what if she shows you her tits? I tell him to knock it off, because he looks like he could be Steve's friend. I tell him ... you know those Bleeding Kansas people, don't you? And he says ... oh my gawd, you're Steve's mom! (My name is Suzy, not Steve's mom, btw!) In light of Steve's dissertation about why I am not a good candidate to hang out with his friends, I immediately get him on the cell phone and tell him to have them stop following me around! Geez, is nothing sacred? Even a woman's workplace?
And I sure am glad I didn't flash the kid. That would have been hard to explain.
I didn't leave until almost 11 PM, but I was another day richer, both in cash and in spirit. Working on Saturday is not really so bad.
Today I must go into the office for about 3 hours. That, unfortunately, will be unpaid and not nearly as glamorous. I have decided, though, that my ego is more fragile than my pocket. For once, I will fight the urge to procrastinate and actually do some preventive maintenance today to ensure that tomorrow rocks for me!
You know who I have to thank for all this? You guys! Because every day now I'm like ... okay, what's cool about my life? And I have to think about it ... it's like making a gratitude list every day. Since I started this journal kick, I have stayed so focused on the positive and my life could not help but change for the better.
Love to you,
~The Night Before~
Whenever possible, I go out on Friday night. This Friday, I went to a pub with several people from sg. 730A_trixel_fem was visiting from Winnipeg for her birthday and invited me to join them for a drink. surlyclown, capnvik, obd, Thrashead and one other guy whose screen name I did not catch were also there. You know what a stalker I am with this camera phone, but I was shy because I didn't know anyone and it was probably too dark to get a descent shot at the table anyway. They were really nice people and I hope we can get together again sometime. I did get one picture ... this is what a glass looks like when you have run out of black and tan.

Anyway, beer and late nights (I got home at 4 AM, thanks to Thrashead, but I had fun!) usually means I must sleep in on Saturday. 1st good thing about my weekend job: I show up whenever I want! Since my boss will not commit to anything more than "I'll see you when you get here" neither do I.

~The Drive~
I have shared this already a million times before, but I like to drive my car ... fast ... through canyons, if possible. With all the rain, I have had to take freeways because my car has rear wheel drive and low profile tires, which are not very good when combined with water and winding roads. Yesterday was still dry, though, so I took Laurel Canyon. I always love Los Angeles after a good rain because everything is so green. So basically, by the time I hit West Hollywood, I have already had my therapy session for the day and I'm at one with nature.

Since it was afternoon by the time I hit the other side of the hill, you would think I would rush right off to work. But hanging with Josh for numerous hours takes careful preparation. You see, Josh is *REALLY* my friend. I love that guy. If he needed me, I'd be there. And he has been there many, many times for me. I taught him how to use eBay the first time I met him. It was Christmas, 5 years ago, and I answered a Recycler ad for a Gibson hardshell case. I needed this case for the Les Paul that was to be Steve's Christmas present. You see, I was very poor that year, and giving him a guitar was a real stretch. So, I was just making polite conversation with this guy while I was buying the case for $30 and I mentioned that he could probably make a killing on eBay. His eyes lit up and he was like, "Dude, if you can show me how to use eBay, I will give you this case ... and more!" So I went into the house and spent the next hour helping him setup an account and showing him some basics about cropping photos and stuff. I got the case and a strap and some strings and stuff. It was the start of a great business and personal relationship. I love this guy! Having said that, let me assure you he is a real prick to work for and he has to compensate me well for the abuse I take.
So the first step in the preparation process is the drive but the second step is, of course, coffee. I really look forward to my coffee stops at Urth Caffe on Melrose. But it was a bad idea to show up there during lunch. This is just so freakin' LA! I waited in line 15 minutes for a cup of coffee!

Was it worth it? Oh, heck yeah! It just doesn't get any better than this.

Two other observations I made while tooling around the streets of West Hollywood. 1. Gelson's market rocks! I wish I could afford to shop there! 2. I have on pink socks!

~The Work Environment~
I saunter into the house at about 1:30 PM. That is a little late, even for me. Josh is in an uncharacteristically good mood. He tells me he is getting pussy regularly. I guess he has a girlfriend now. Her name is Suzy. So Josh hangs out with two Suzy's all day long. He is on his best behavior and leaves me alone for almost all day. Suzy, you rock! Please don't dump him ... I need you!
So I'm outside setting up camera shots. There were a handful of rack effects, a couple pedals, a keyboard, three amps ... and the things I live to fondle and photograph: The guitars! Nothing too spectacular yesterday. There were 2 Telecastors. One was that Midnight Wine color which is a rich burgundy, looking almost black. It is an incredible finish but really hard to photograph. There was also a C.F Martin & Co. Cutout Acoustic Electric that had a beautiful natural mahogany finish. Anyway, Josh is in the house leaving me alone and I'm out on the porch in the beautiful fresh air when one of Josh's friends show up. Cool people are in and out of this house all day long! Ladies, you should see the eye candy that parades in and out all day long. So this handsome man steps onto the porch and asks if Josh is home. I'm such a dork, I ask him what his name is and realize that it is printed on both his shirt and his belt buckle. I retrieve Josh from the other Suzy and he tells me to stop working and come see this dude's new car. Fuck! I love the people that come to Josh's house! Check out this ride.

There are times I wish I had a real camera with me. This is one of them. My camera phone does not do this color or finish any sort of justice. What a beautiful ride. The back end is a Dodge and the front end a Chrysler. The exterior is perfect. The interior is not yet complete. I like a man who likes a project and this is a worthy one.

Nice big block Mopar engine ... a 361 bored out to, he said, about 400.

I think I'm in love by the time I have completely circled the car. I was going to take a picture of his Spuds McKinsey style dog, too, but Josh started barking orders to get back to work, so back to work I went.

I work pretty steady, but you cannot beat the interruptions I do take. The doctor came over. Yes, a real doctor and he makes house calls. Beverly Hills is a different world, folks. But he is a super nice man. And then some graphics dude hit me up for some advice on FTP clients while I smoked a joint with him in the back yard. At some point, Josh went and got my car keys so he could jump start someone's Harley with my car. And then he made me a salad. Remember when I mentioned Gelsons Market? Josh shops there. He had all sorts of tomatoes, like yellow cherry tomatoes, and baby lettuce, goat cheese, seeds, peppers, the whole 9 yards. Josh always feeds me good. I got shrimp tacos from Paquito Mas, too. What a good food day!

At some point, a kid showed up to sell a Telecaster. Josh was trying to entertain him and asked if he wanted water, coffee, whatever ... the kid didn't want anything. Ever persistent, he was like ... what if she shows you her tits? I tell him to knock it off, because he looks like he could be Steve's friend. I tell him ... you know those Bleeding Kansas people, don't you? And he says ... oh my gawd, you're Steve's mom! (My name is Suzy, not Steve's mom, btw!) In light of Steve's dissertation about why I am not a good candidate to hang out with his friends, I immediately get him on the cell phone and tell him to have them stop following me around! Geez, is nothing sacred? Even a woman's workplace?

I didn't leave until almost 11 PM, but I was another day richer, both in cash and in spirit. Working on Saturday is not really so bad.
Today I must go into the office for about 3 hours. That, unfortunately, will be unpaid and not nearly as glamorous. I have decided, though, that my ego is more fragile than my pocket. For once, I will fight the urge to procrastinate and actually do some preventive maintenance today to ensure that tomorrow rocks for me!
You know who I have to thank for all this? You guys! Because every day now I'm like ... okay, what's cool about my life? And I have to think about it ... it's like making a gratitude list every day. Since I started this journal kick, I have stayed so focused on the positive and my life could not help but change for the better.
Love to you,

Nice job,,, lol
That was a real sweet thing to say bout my photo's
I'm not entirely in agreement over the drinking culture,,, but i suppose every coutry has it's twats who go out, get wasted, then look for a fight. And I'm a pussy, so ending up in one never ends well for me
But i do agree with the english food here sucking compared to elsewhere. However, I shall say in englands defence that Indian food here Rules compared to stuff thats been brought from India. Don't know what it is bout it, but it's kinda ironic that i can go anywhere atall and still feel at home if i can find a balti house!
Anyway, my musical career won't go much further then my bedroom after I leave my choir methinks,,,
maybe a studio if i can find a bassist and a drummer, but otherwise ill just keep writing for me and my pet bacteria.....
Hope your ok