So I promised to tell about my kids, but I think I am going to answer another age-old question that I am frequently asked:
A pictorial of Suzy's experience with the California state prison system
Ron ... looks tame enough, huh? Wrong again...
Music: Grandmaster Flash - White Lines
Credit Card Chris ... the first one to write me a jailhouse romance letter
Music: Social Distortion - Prison Bound
Rebel ... yep, he was the one ... RIP, baby!
Music: The Velvet Underground - Pale Blue Eyes
Miles ... another one that couldn't live life on life's terms ... RIP
Music: The Jim Carroll Band - People Who Died
Red Truck Jeff ... my buddy and the best smut letter writer!
Music: Foghat - Slow Ride
Dreamer ... but the best dream ever, even if that was all it was ... that and the Suzy tattoo on his wrist
Music: Nirvana - Rape Me
More nice dreams!
Music: Faster Pussycat - Friends
More Dreamer...
Music: Stiff Little Fingers - Barbed Wire Love
Rick and Dreamer
Music: Johnny Thunders & The Heartbreakers - Born To Lose
Daron ... my baby daddy and arch-nemesis
Music: White Zombie - Devil Man
So you see, there are really only two common threads between these crazy but wonderful men: Drugs and Suzy.
I should explain: My youth happened before Nancy Reagan's war on drugs and I lived in Hollywood, on top of Cahuenga where it meets the 101 freeway. It was cool and socially acceptable to do drugs in the world that I lived in. It was never cool to be an addict, but we were young. There weren't any of those people yet ... and the ones who were destined for it were still amusing. But the pictures above depict a different time ... a time after crossing the line. So sad.
And let this be a lesson to me!
Peace out folks,
P.S. I have decided to edit this morning, to include a sort of moral or point to this. Why did I think this would explain why women like bad boys? Because testosterone is HOT!
But I want to add that this is not really MY lifestyle any more nor am I condoning drugs or dating criminals. This is just a real life look at what happens to some folks. To the best of my knowledge, none of those pictured above ever made it out of their lifestyle ... and at least 2 of them are dead as a result of it. And no, it's not that I like big men ... they just fill out in prison, preparing for their next run. Many of them started out on the streets of Hollywood, running around the punk scene. They were just youngsters and got caught up. I mean, punk rock used to be more than just AFI doing a Misfits cover on KROQ. Does anyone remember the squatters living in Hotel Hell at Sycamore and Hollywood Blvd? Yeah, it's a strip mall now ... but it used to be an abandoned hotel (the place in Death Wish II or whichever one it was with the punk rockers, I forget). Those guys are what those kids grew up to be.
Why don't I go out with nice guys? They were *nice* guys. No one is all good or all bad. The better question would be ... why don't I go out with stable guys? Well, I do now and I have at other times. I could post those pictures, too, but they are much less interesting.
The thing is ... you look at these pictures and you can understand INSTANTLY why things went wrong, no matter how good the intentions might have been on both sides. And that's why I said ... let this be a lesson to ME. I'm the only one that has to figure that out, everyone else has known for years.
But ask yourself ... do you find that you are getting nowhere with the opposite sex? Do you feel like the ones you want don't notice you? Then honestly answer this ... wasn't there someone who did want you but for whatever reason you thought you had to have the *cool* one, whatever your definition of cool is? All I'm saying is, don't overlook the one that is right under your nose. Maybe you have a pattern, too. Maybe, just maybe, you pick the wrong ones on purpose, like I do ... because you are just as stubborn and just as scared of something *real* as the ones you lament about. It's just a thought.
And finally, the moral is: Love YOURSELF and you will be more attractive to those that you would have love you, too!
A pictorial of Suzy's experience with the California state prison system

Ron ... looks tame enough, huh? Wrong again...
Music: Grandmaster Flash - White Lines

Credit Card Chris ... the first one to write me a jailhouse romance letter
Music: Social Distortion - Prison Bound

Rebel ... yep, he was the one ... RIP, baby!

Music: The Velvet Underground - Pale Blue Eyes

Miles ... another one that couldn't live life on life's terms ... RIP
Music: The Jim Carroll Band - People Who Died

Red Truck Jeff ... my buddy and the best smut letter writer!
Music: Foghat - Slow Ride

Dreamer ... but the best dream ever, even if that was all it was ... that and the Suzy tattoo on his wrist
Music: Nirvana - Rape Me

More nice dreams!
Music: Faster Pussycat - Friends

More Dreamer...
Music: Stiff Little Fingers - Barbed Wire Love

Rick and Dreamer
Music: Johnny Thunders & The Heartbreakers - Born To Lose

Daron ... my baby daddy and arch-nemesis
Music: White Zombie - Devil Man
So you see, there are really only two common threads between these crazy but wonderful men: Drugs and Suzy.
I should explain: My youth happened before Nancy Reagan's war on drugs and I lived in Hollywood, on top of Cahuenga where it meets the 101 freeway. It was cool and socially acceptable to do drugs in the world that I lived in. It was never cool to be an addict, but we were young. There weren't any of those people yet ... and the ones who were destined for it were still amusing. But the pictures above depict a different time ... a time after crossing the line. So sad.
And let this be a lesson to me!
Peace out folks,

P.S. I have decided to edit this morning, to include a sort of moral or point to this. Why did I think this would explain why women like bad boys? Because testosterone is HOT!

But I want to add that this is not really MY lifestyle any more nor am I condoning drugs or dating criminals. This is just a real life look at what happens to some folks. To the best of my knowledge, none of those pictured above ever made it out of their lifestyle ... and at least 2 of them are dead as a result of it. And no, it's not that I like big men ... they just fill out in prison, preparing for their next run. Many of them started out on the streets of Hollywood, running around the punk scene. They were just youngsters and got caught up. I mean, punk rock used to be more than just AFI doing a Misfits cover on KROQ. Does anyone remember the squatters living in Hotel Hell at Sycamore and Hollywood Blvd? Yeah, it's a strip mall now ... but it used to be an abandoned hotel (the place in Death Wish II or whichever one it was with the punk rockers, I forget). Those guys are what those kids grew up to be.
Why don't I go out with nice guys? They were *nice* guys. No one is all good or all bad. The better question would be ... why don't I go out with stable guys? Well, I do now and I have at other times. I could post those pictures, too, but they are much less interesting.
The thing is ... you look at these pictures and you can understand INSTANTLY why things went wrong, no matter how good the intentions might have been on both sides. And that's why I said ... let this be a lesson to ME. I'm the only one that has to figure that out, everyone else has known for years.
But ask yourself ... do you find that you are getting nowhere with the opposite sex? Do you feel like the ones you want don't notice you? Then honestly answer this ... wasn't there someone who did want you but for whatever reason you thought you had to have the *cool* one, whatever your definition of cool is? All I'm saying is, don't overlook the one that is right under your nose. Maybe you have a pattern, too. Maybe, just maybe, you pick the wrong ones on purpose, like I do ... because you are just as stubborn and just as scared of something *real* as the ones you lament about. It's just a thought.
And finally, the moral is: Love YOURSELF and you will be more attractive to those that you would have love you, too!
Thanks for the thoughts, by the way
Weird - I got into my first accident in many years here as well because of freezing rain. I can drive in almost anything BUT freezing rain
And yeah - I MUCH prefer your standard buffet type place. I like to be able to wear my ratty jeans, black t shirt, and clunky black shoes
So how are things with you? Things clearing up a bit for ya?