Okay, enough with my drama. The performance is over. I'm not selling any more tickets.
Hey, check out this weird piece of punk rock trivia I ran across today in my pictures folder on the computer at work. I guess I downloaded it a couple years ago or something when I was bored. Nothing too obscure, just weird to stumble across. This is El Duce's CA ID Card. Duce was in the Mentors. They played around Los Angeles, doing everything they could to upset the world at large, billed as Rape Rock, wearing executioner's masks on stage, performing such numbers as Donkey Dick and Service Me Or Be Smacked. No one really knew what to make of them exactly and it was popular to walk out on them.
Click here for a RealMedia clip of El Duce. He really was a pig ... and proud of it. He used to panhandle, but he had an angle. He would tell you a joke for a quarter. After hearing a few of his jokes, you might be tempted to give him a dollar to shut up!
In an alcohol related accident, he was killed by a train a few years back. And I think I have problems!
Well, my foul dark moods lead me to foul dark music. But I'm not sick enough to need the Mentors today, so all who sent me well wishes ... don't worry, I'll be okay. I have quality problems today: A car to misplace, money to burn, and a job to be late to (again). It's all good.
Nope, my mood today was ... Pigmy Love Circus. And that's not really so bad after all, is it? And now I'm listening to Chron Gen and The Damned. Does it get any better than this?
Love to you,
Hey, check out this weird piece of punk rock trivia I ran across today in my pictures folder on the computer at work. I guess I downloaded it a couple years ago or something when I was bored. Nothing too obscure, just weird to stumble across. This is El Duce's CA ID Card. Duce was in the Mentors. They played around Los Angeles, doing everything they could to upset the world at large, billed as Rape Rock, wearing executioner's masks on stage, performing such numbers as Donkey Dick and Service Me Or Be Smacked. No one really knew what to make of them exactly and it was popular to walk out on them.

Click here for a RealMedia clip of El Duce. He really was a pig ... and proud of it. He used to panhandle, but he had an angle. He would tell you a joke for a quarter. After hearing a few of his jokes, you might be tempted to give him a dollar to shut up!
In an alcohol related accident, he was killed by a train a few years back. And I think I have problems!
Well, my foul dark moods lead me to foul dark music. But I'm not sick enough to need the Mentors today, so all who sent me well wishes ... don't worry, I'll be okay. I have quality problems today: A car to misplace, money to burn, and a job to be late to (again). It's all good.
Nope, my mood today was ... Pigmy Love Circus. And that's not really so bad after all, is it? And now I'm listening to Chron Gen and The Damned. Does it get any better than this?
Love to you,

I never got much except personal satisfaction and the opportunity to learn many hidden things about subculture. Im perpetually broke, livin (as i've always done) 4 the underground. but it aint no big thing either. i couldn't have possibly done differently--i am hard-wired to pour my heart into things that excite me. so i did it FOR ME too, just to have something to live for. Why aint there any "rock on" smileys?
{{{fist in the air}}} {{{war whoop}}}
bogus-ass editor bitchface won't let me make a proper LINK
[Edited on Feb 16, 2005 7:51PM]