I had the best time. This is hard to explain. I don't go out much any more. It's not such a big deal, but when I do go out it is so nice. So MoBEASTLY told me where I should go and I did and it was so fun. He is just the greatest guy, he tried so hard to make me comfortable. His girlfriend is very sweet, with hair the color of my little 6 year old. I am so partial to red heads. I mean, who couldn't love this?
Daron is sporting his new Spiderman tattoo.
But I digress ... I tell Mo my one and only rockabilly story. I tell him that when Eddie Nichols first came to Los Angeles from Wisconsin, he used to stay on my couch. He was a little 17 year old kid and then a few years later he grew hair and discovered old music. I am sure I haven't seen him in about 18 years. Well, Mo says isn't that Eddie over at the bar? I said, I haven't seen him in 18 years ... how would I even know? But it was and I screwed up my courage and walked over there ... and he looked at me and just said, Sue...
He remembered me. I mean, why wouldn't he? He slept on my couch in the *early years* and we were buddies. But you know, its been EIGHTEEN YEARS and he has been everywhere, met everyone. It was so good to see an old friend. I cannot believe how good it made me feel to talk to this guy.
Mo, I will love you forever.
If I can just keep this up, taking care of myself, I could actually become happy again. Imagine that!
Love to you,

Daron is sporting his new Spiderman tattoo.
But I digress ... I tell Mo my one and only rockabilly story. I tell him that when Eddie Nichols first came to Los Angeles from Wisconsin, he used to stay on my couch. He was a little 17 year old kid and then a few years later he grew hair and discovered old music. I am sure I haven't seen him in about 18 years. Well, Mo says isn't that Eddie over at the bar? I said, I haven't seen him in 18 years ... how would I even know? But it was and I screwed up my courage and walked over there ... and he looked at me and just said, Sue...
He remembered me. I mean, why wouldn't he? He slept on my couch in the *early years* and we were buddies. But you know, its been EIGHTEEN YEARS and he has been everywhere, met everyone. It was so good to see an old friend. I cannot believe how good it made me feel to talk to this guy.
Mo, I will love you forever.
If I can just keep this up, taking care of myself, I could actually become happy again. Imagine that!
Love to you,

"Coloring Outside the lines---a punk rock memoir"
It follows 18 months in the life of a Esat Coast Punk who discovered her wings in the West Coast scene.
Short, and easy to read...I shredded it in about 3 days.
It makes reference to a lot of people and places you probaly know.