That bitch actually scratched up my face and chest! (Thought that would get your attention ... now on to the full story.)
I have been at my friend Jill's house for the last 10 days. She has no computer. It's amazing how dependent on the computer you can actually become. I didn't know how to get information while I was there and I was bored and I had no one to *talk* to. At the same time, it was nice to attempt activities that didn't involve a computer and it was really extra nice to spend some time with my best friend.
Right after I moved in there, my ex took the kid and we did all that drama. I guess what the final outcome of that was ... he took his cell phone to the police station and had them listen to the evil voicemail I left. While they were somewhat shocked and disgusted, I suppose, they were unable to arrest me because it wasn't criminal, just wrong. When he realized that he couldn't really fuck me over, he gave the kid back because, after all, a kid is a huge fuckin' responsibility and if the kid can't double as a weapon, it just isn't worth it. He has him again today ... arranged through Jill so I didn't have to even talk to him ... and I'll just pick up Daron from school tomorrow. It's all good for everyone. I learned my lesson and will drink a big cup of "shut the fuck up" before attempting to do anything so stupid and caustic again.
Now the other dude, the one I actually did like a whole lot, has lost his mind this week. As best as I can determine, he has been doing twice the usual amount of go-fast and he has decided to forego sleep. Since I was staying in the house across the street from him, I had front row seats to watch the drama ... and to feel the rejection. I was really looking forward to this but it ended up being so very sad for me. I didn't get laid all week!!! Fucking tweakers!
But wait, you have to hear the best part. See, all this is really my fault because I'm the most accommodating broad on the planet. I call it being nice but I'm afraid it's actually being easy ... and I'm sure a lot of guys can relate to this, the nice guys finish last thing. Like I said, it wasn't really being nice. Being nice would be like being myself and and being pleasant and being sane. Being easy would be more like trying to be useful in every conceivable way under the sun. Being easy would be suppressing my own needs to meet his ... making it really easy to keep me around, a good enabler, and every dope fiend needs one of those.
So one of the ways I am so ultra accommodating is with the fucking stupid broads that hang around. Bag whores, I would call them, but he says they are friends. He probably fucks some of them but I don't know which ones so I just ignore the whole situation and try to tolerate their presence as much as I can. But there is this one broad, Yvonne, and she just gets on my nerves. She is always trying to spend the night over there. She drags her kid to this pad, which is just wrong with all the dope over there, and she doesn't take care of him when he cries. He's only 2! So I was invited to spend the night over there last night, which I was excited about because I thought we would finally talk and make out, but all the fuckin' tweaker hanger on's were there, including her, and at some point I fell asleep (because someone has to) and my dude took off to somewhere. He said he was tired and he was going to sleep and that he wasn't going anywhere or I wouldn't have even bothered going over after the week we have had. So I wake up at 4:30 AM and he is nowhere to be found. About 20 minutes later, I wake up to a knock on the door, which I would have ignored, but there was another tweaker in the bathroom, tattooing devils and skulls on his knee all night long, and he let her in. Well, this bitch has a note, suppposedly from my dude, granting her permission to spend the night. Look, I spent the night there because I planned to sleep with HIM, not ALONE, not with some broad I can't even stand in the first place. But I lay there and try to ignore it. Oh no, that will never do. She wants my blanket. Then she starts going through his closet. Then she wants me to get up so she can pull the bed out to put her kid on it and I just lose my patience and tell her, no, get the fuck out! I mean, how are you going to wake someone up at 4:50 AM and try to rearrange everything? Everyone knows I am with this dude and she just lacks basic respect in this situation, although no worse that the example he sets for everyone, I suppose. So she tells me its not my house and I can't tell her to get out. Okay, maybe if Jeff were home there wouldn't be much I could do, but he's not, and I was invited to spend the night, and just fuck this bitch, she's got to go! Well, then she tries to tell me that I should go sleep across the street if I don't want to sleep with her and her bratty little kid. And don't feel sorry for this homeless single mom because if she was really so concerned about having somewhere for her 2 year old to sleep, wouldn't she have shown up before 5 AM? So when she suggests that I leave, I don't know, something just snapped and I just started socking her! The tweaker in the bathroom broke us up and tried to throw us both out, but I stood my ground and said I wasn't leaving until Jeff got home. She was out in a matter of another minute. Ha!
Well, I got in some good punches before we were broken up, but as is always the case when some guy pulls me off another chick in a cat fight ... I got scratched in the few moments that I was restrained. I'm sure it won't compare to her bruises
, but check this out:
I waited 10 hours for that motherfucker to come home and have it out with me. Whether or not he thinks that I overstepped my bounds or if he is smart enough to realize that he was actually so out of line on this one ... he still owed it to me to talk it through. What a fuckin' loser! I moved out of Jill's house this evening and came home to my beloved computer. As of about 9 PM he had still not returned home, a full 16 hours after the incident. His cell phone is shut off for non-payment. For his sake, I hope he is asleep somewhere. Fucking tweakers! I did not deserve this -- AGAIN -- but I find it hard to hate him.
I have to admit, I stayed 10 hours waiting on his cowardly ass because I really got the feeling that when I walked out of his door, it would be the last time I was there ... and I had some great fun within those four walls. I really like this guy. It sucks. But I cannot expect anything better from a dude in active addiction and I guess I got what I deserved for ignoring the red flags. It was sure fun while it lasted.
So if you have made it this far, I thank you for indulging me in yet another tale of woe. I don't know why 2005 has been so dramatic for me so far, but it HAS to get better at some point, doesn't it? Anyone have any suggestions on what I can do to keep myself busy and away from the tweakers this week? Anyone want to smoke a bowl with me? I have the best 420 you have ever seen and I don't feel like smoking it alone.
Love and laughter to you all!
P.S. I found this on Craig's List when I got home and while I'm not sure it was enough to cheer me all the way up, it was enough to make me laugh. Enjoy!
Dear Ex-Boyfriend, It's Boring To Stalk You Now
I have been at my friend Jill's house for the last 10 days. She has no computer. It's amazing how dependent on the computer you can actually become. I didn't know how to get information while I was there and I was bored and I had no one to *talk* to. At the same time, it was nice to attempt activities that didn't involve a computer and it was really extra nice to spend some time with my best friend.
Right after I moved in there, my ex took the kid and we did all that drama. I guess what the final outcome of that was ... he took his cell phone to the police station and had them listen to the evil voicemail I left. While they were somewhat shocked and disgusted, I suppose, they were unable to arrest me because it wasn't criminal, just wrong. When he realized that he couldn't really fuck me over, he gave the kid back because, after all, a kid is a huge fuckin' responsibility and if the kid can't double as a weapon, it just isn't worth it. He has him again today ... arranged through Jill so I didn't have to even talk to him ... and I'll just pick up Daron from school tomorrow. It's all good for everyone. I learned my lesson and will drink a big cup of "shut the fuck up" before attempting to do anything so stupid and caustic again.
Now the other dude, the one I actually did like a whole lot, has lost his mind this week. As best as I can determine, he has been doing twice the usual amount of go-fast and he has decided to forego sleep. Since I was staying in the house across the street from him, I had front row seats to watch the drama ... and to feel the rejection. I was really looking forward to this but it ended up being so very sad for me. I didn't get laid all week!!! Fucking tweakers!
But wait, you have to hear the best part. See, all this is really my fault because I'm the most accommodating broad on the planet. I call it being nice but I'm afraid it's actually being easy ... and I'm sure a lot of guys can relate to this, the nice guys finish last thing. Like I said, it wasn't really being nice. Being nice would be like being myself and and being pleasant and being sane. Being easy would be more like trying to be useful in every conceivable way under the sun. Being easy would be suppressing my own needs to meet his ... making it really easy to keep me around, a good enabler, and every dope fiend needs one of those.
So one of the ways I am so ultra accommodating is with the fucking stupid broads that hang around. Bag whores, I would call them, but he says they are friends. He probably fucks some of them but I don't know which ones so I just ignore the whole situation and try to tolerate their presence as much as I can. But there is this one broad, Yvonne, and she just gets on my nerves. She is always trying to spend the night over there. She drags her kid to this pad, which is just wrong with all the dope over there, and she doesn't take care of him when he cries. He's only 2! So I was invited to spend the night over there last night, which I was excited about because I thought we would finally talk and make out, but all the fuckin' tweaker hanger on's were there, including her, and at some point I fell asleep (because someone has to) and my dude took off to somewhere. He said he was tired and he was going to sleep and that he wasn't going anywhere or I wouldn't have even bothered going over after the week we have had. So I wake up at 4:30 AM and he is nowhere to be found. About 20 minutes later, I wake up to a knock on the door, which I would have ignored, but there was another tweaker in the bathroom, tattooing devils and skulls on his knee all night long, and he let her in. Well, this bitch has a note, suppposedly from my dude, granting her permission to spend the night. Look, I spent the night there because I planned to sleep with HIM, not ALONE, not with some broad I can't even stand in the first place. But I lay there and try to ignore it. Oh no, that will never do. She wants my blanket. Then she starts going through his closet. Then she wants me to get up so she can pull the bed out to put her kid on it and I just lose my patience and tell her, no, get the fuck out! I mean, how are you going to wake someone up at 4:50 AM and try to rearrange everything? Everyone knows I am with this dude and she just lacks basic respect in this situation, although no worse that the example he sets for everyone, I suppose. So she tells me its not my house and I can't tell her to get out. Okay, maybe if Jeff were home there wouldn't be much I could do, but he's not, and I was invited to spend the night, and just fuck this bitch, she's got to go! Well, then she tries to tell me that I should go sleep across the street if I don't want to sleep with her and her bratty little kid. And don't feel sorry for this homeless single mom because if she was really so concerned about having somewhere for her 2 year old to sleep, wouldn't she have shown up before 5 AM? So when she suggests that I leave, I don't know, something just snapped and I just started socking her! The tweaker in the bathroom broke us up and tried to throw us both out, but I stood my ground and said I wasn't leaving until Jeff got home. She was out in a matter of another minute. Ha!
Well, I got in some good punches before we were broken up, but as is always the case when some guy pulls me off another chick in a cat fight ... I got scratched in the few moments that I was restrained. I'm sure it won't compare to her bruises

I waited 10 hours for that motherfucker to come home and have it out with me. Whether or not he thinks that I overstepped my bounds or if he is smart enough to realize that he was actually so out of line on this one ... he still owed it to me to talk it through. What a fuckin' loser! I moved out of Jill's house this evening and came home to my beloved computer. As of about 9 PM he had still not returned home, a full 16 hours after the incident. His cell phone is shut off for non-payment. For his sake, I hope he is asleep somewhere. Fucking tweakers! I did not deserve this -- AGAIN -- but I find it hard to hate him.
I have to admit, I stayed 10 hours waiting on his cowardly ass because I really got the feeling that when I walked out of his door, it would be the last time I was there ... and I had some great fun within those four walls. I really like this guy. It sucks. But I cannot expect anything better from a dude in active addiction and I guess I got what I deserved for ignoring the red flags. It was sure fun while it lasted.
So if you have made it this far, I thank you for indulging me in yet another tale of woe. I don't know why 2005 has been so dramatic for me so far, but it HAS to get better at some point, doesn't it? Anyone have any suggestions on what I can do to keep myself busy and away from the tweakers this week? Anyone want to smoke a bowl with me? I have the best 420 you have ever seen and I don't feel like smoking it alone.
Love and laughter to you all!

P.S. I found this on Craig's List when I got home and while I'm not sure it was enough to cheer me all the way up, it was enough to make me laugh. Enjoy!
Dear Ex-Boyfriend, It's Boring To Stalk You Now
So um...Can I kiss your scratches and make them better?
I'm sorry you had to go through all that. I unfortunately used to really like a tweaker who had a lot of tweaker friends as well...But I was never in a situation like that. Ah well, I guess what I'm trying to say is that really sucks. However, don't let it get ya down.
There is always tomorrow, and someone as beautiful (inside and out) as you deserves a much better guy, situation, and sort of treatment in general.
My advice is to just ignore him for a while, and focus on yourself. Treat yourself by taking a bubble bath, give yourself something luxorious. Go out with friends. Do anything to make sure that you point out to him that you deserve so much better. If he doesn't get the hint and start shaping his sorry ass up, then forget about that loser.
Rant done. Sorry to make you read all that. lol
Lotso lovin!
[Edited on Jan 25, 2005 2:07PM]