Hot Enough For Ya?
I know I sound like a little sissy bitch when I complain about the temperature and why I cannot currently leave the house to go anywhere, so I decided to check and see what the high temperature actually was yesterday. Ummm, yeah, it was 119F (that's 48C for you Europeans!). Today was MUCH cooler, it was only 115F (46C).
But to properly quantify this for you, let me tell you what happened earlier and keep in mind it was already 7 PM when this occurred. I had stepped outside of my coffee bar to see where my crack dealer, er, I mean, the guy who sells me little bottles of Frappuccino was. I was reaching into my front pocket to pull out some cash because I didn't want to waste the 15 seconds when he got back inside. My little disposable lighter fell out of my pocket ... and it EXPLODED on impact when it hit the ground! I cannot recall that ever happening before. It made for some jokes about me being "hot stuff" but I'm telling you, I'm sure my pocket was actually cooler than the outside at that point.
I have no air conditioning in my car and it would cost $900 to fix, so it won't be this year, that's for sure. Perhaps it will be next year, after it's paid off, but more likely I will trade it in for something newer. So I drive around with the top down, constantly. The top only gets put up for car washes and that is about once a month. This is the view when I look down while I'm driving.
Oh my gawd, the sun is absolutely wrecking my beautiful deathly pallor! I cannot remember when I had so many freckles on my boobs. This is just ridiculous.
Also, this sun is making me combative. I remember the good ol' days when the Mexican gang members in my neighborhood all rode around in low riders and you just had to change lanes to avoid them. Ha! Now they are all in their little souped up Hondas. So apparently I pissed one off tonight because apparently he didn't care for all the "shit, damn, fuck" coming out of Bianca's mouth as I blasted the Butt Trumpets from my car. So he wanted to race. Bitch, I can hit 70 in 2nd gear and I still have 3 gears left! There are advantages to rear wheel drive in my fucked up Ford, so eat my dust motherfucker!
Hahaha ... I'm such a hateful little bitch. It's good to be getting back to myself.
Love to you,
P.S. I generally consider myself to be pretty hetero and I'm also really fighting the urge to be a big perv when it comes to the youngsters, but you know ... I'd do Brody Dalle in a New York minute!

I know I sound like a little sissy bitch when I complain about the temperature and why I cannot currently leave the house to go anywhere, so I decided to check and see what the high temperature actually was yesterday. Ummm, yeah, it was 119F (that's 48C for you Europeans!). Today was MUCH cooler, it was only 115F (46C).
But to properly quantify this for you, let me tell you what happened earlier and keep in mind it was already 7 PM when this occurred. I had stepped outside of my coffee bar to see where my crack dealer, er, I mean, the guy who sells me little bottles of Frappuccino was. I was reaching into my front pocket to pull out some cash because I didn't want to waste the 15 seconds when he got back inside. My little disposable lighter fell out of my pocket ... and it EXPLODED on impact when it hit the ground! I cannot recall that ever happening before. It made for some jokes about me being "hot stuff" but I'm telling you, I'm sure my pocket was actually cooler than the outside at that point.
I have no air conditioning in my car and it would cost $900 to fix, so it won't be this year, that's for sure. Perhaps it will be next year, after it's paid off, but more likely I will trade it in for something newer. So I drive around with the top down, constantly. The top only gets put up for car washes and that is about once a month. This is the view when I look down while I'm driving.

Oh my gawd, the sun is absolutely wrecking my beautiful deathly pallor! I cannot remember when I had so many freckles on my boobs. This is just ridiculous.
Also, this sun is making me combative. I remember the good ol' days when the Mexican gang members in my neighborhood all rode around in low riders and you just had to change lanes to avoid them. Ha! Now they are all in their little souped up Hondas. So apparently I pissed one off tonight because apparently he didn't care for all the "shit, damn, fuck" coming out of Bianca's mouth as I blasted the Butt Trumpets from my car. So he wanted to race. Bitch, I can hit 70 in 2nd gear and I still have 3 gears left! There are advantages to rear wheel drive in my fucked up Ford, so eat my dust motherfucker!
Hahaha ... I'm such a hateful little bitch. It's good to be getting back to myself.

Love to you,

P.S. I generally consider myself to be pretty hetero and I'm also really fighting the urge to be a big perv when it comes to the youngsters, but you know ... I'd do Brody Dalle in a New York minute!

How do you avoid crashing with your tits staring up at you all the time? And I'll gladly join you as far as Brody is concerned, we'll do her together. She won't know what's hit her!!
Even when it was 'hot' (and I use the term advisedly) up here, my Sunset Dist. 'hood remained pretty cool.
Now it's cloudy and about 68 again. I'm such a wimp.
You don't know me from Adam, I've just run across your blog a couple times for reasons of random linking (the profile pic didn't hurt), so I thought I'd say hello.