omg so colin kept saying things like "i want a baby" last night. i dont think he quite realizes that that's kinda mean. i really like the kid. i'd love to be in a real relationship with him. and when he starts saying things like that it only makes me want it more. but we cant be in a real relationship cuz he doesnt want to be exclusive. wtf? meanie. grrs!!!!
colin playing with my kitty. aaawww, how cute.
(that's colin. it's a bad pic, but whatever)
boys are frustrating.
so yeah, i didnt htink i really felt like updating this, but then i went to send renee a quick little message on myspace and it kinda turned into a very long rambling novel, so then i figured that just maybe i really do feel like updating but i just didnt realize it!
i'm all kinds of tricky like that. yup yup. tricksy even!!
ha. i love lotr. seriously. i read those books for the first time when i was like 8. omg, colin has never read them. his reason? he doesn't like "fantasy" books. agh. boy!!! those are so much more than "fantasy." so much more. i mean really. i'm gonna make him read them. right now he's reading slaughterhouse five (my suggestion) and then he's reading a copy of i am charlotte simmons that i'm lending him. that books is seriously awesome, just in case you didnt know. you really should go read it. buy it. you'll enjoy it. i promise.
i'm either getting sick or have allergies. i'm not sure which. i never used to have problems with allergies, but i dunno. sore throat and lots of phlegm, but it's not green or anything, so that usually means that i'm not sick... and my glands aren't swollen, not even my armpit ones, which are almost always swollen and painful. stupid glands. i rarely actualyl get sick though. i asked my doctor about it and she said it wasn't anything to worry about unless they got all swollen and didnt ever get better. which they do. it's just, for like a week or so out of every month shaving and putting on deoderant is kinda tricky. and painful.
i need some sex. anyone around here wanna help me out? i dont care what you look like, or what your personality is like or anything! i do require condoms though. i dont wanna get herpes or anything. i mean, ew. and i'm pretty sure i dont have anything. i haven't been tested in awhile, but i have a doctor's appt on nov 7th for my "annual exam" so i'll ask about it then. lol, i told colin that i was getting an annual exam and he was all confused cuz he didnt know what i meant, so then i told him that they were going to poke around my insides and he got all grossed out. so then i told him that my sister in law (who is, by the way, insane) actually picked up my sister's placenta after she had her baby and he got way grossed out. it was funny. his reaction i mean. lacey's just fucking gross. ew ew ew!!! of course, i took lots of pictures of her doing that, and then abby put one of them in her baby books, so i guess we're both kinda gross too. mostly we just wanted proof that she really did do that. the doctor just looked at her and was like "wow. i've been doing this for over 20 years and no one has EVER done that before" awesome.
oh my god fucking foot, wake up!!!!!!!!!
i think i'm gonna die. yup yup. hm, before i die i should clean up my apartment though. i guess i'll go do that now. i wouldnt want my parents to have to come in here and clean it up when i'm dead. that'd be sad. i need to go by petsmart and buy some bedding for my turtle too, cuz it's time for him to hibernate. yup yup.
colin playing with my kitty. aaawww, how cute.
(that's colin. it's a bad pic, but whatever)
boys are frustrating.
so yeah, i didnt htink i really felt like updating this, but then i went to send renee a quick little message on myspace and it kinda turned into a very long rambling novel, so then i figured that just maybe i really do feel like updating but i just didnt realize it!
i'm all kinds of tricky like that. yup yup. tricksy even!!
ha. i love lotr. seriously. i read those books for the first time when i was like 8. omg, colin has never read them. his reason? he doesn't like "fantasy" books. agh. boy!!! those are so much more than "fantasy." so much more. i mean really. i'm gonna make him read them. right now he's reading slaughterhouse five (my suggestion) and then he's reading a copy of i am charlotte simmons that i'm lending him. that books is seriously awesome, just in case you didnt know. you really should go read it. buy it. you'll enjoy it. i promise.
i'm either getting sick or have allergies. i'm not sure which. i never used to have problems with allergies, but i dunno. sore throat and lots of phlegm, but it's not green or anything, so that usually means that i'm not sick... and my glands aren't swollen, not even my armpit ones, which are almost always swollen and painful. stupid glands. i rarely actualyl get sick though. i asked my doctor about it and she said it wasn't anything to worry about unless they got all swollen and didnt ever get better. which they do. it's just, for like a week or so out of every month shaving and putting on deoderant is kinda tricky. and painful.
i need some sex. anyone around here wanna help me out? i dont care what you look like, or what your personality is like or anything! i do require condoms though. i dont wanna get herpes or anything. i mean, ew. and i'm pretty sure i dont have anything. i haven't been tested in awhile, but i have a doctor's appt on nov 7th for my "annual exam" so i'll ask about it then. lol, i told colin that i was getting an annual exam and he was all confused cuz he didnt know what i meant, so then i told him that they were going to poke around my insides and he got all grossed out. so then i told him that my sister in law (who is, by the way, insane) actually picked up my sister's placenta after she had her baby and he got way grossed out. it was funny. his reaction i mean. lacey's just fucking gross. ew ew ew!!! of course, i took lots of pictures of her doing that, and then abby put one of them in her baby books, so i guess we're both kinda gross too. mostly we just wanted proof that she really did do that. the doctor just looked at her and was like "wow. i've been doing this for over 20 years and no one has EVER done that before" awesome.
oh my god fucking foot, wake up!!!!!!!!!
i think i'm gonna die. yup yup. hm, before i die i should clean up my apartment though. i guess i'll go do that now. i wouldnt want my parents to have to come in here and clean it up when i'm dead. that'd be sad. i need to go by petsmart and buy some bedding for my turtle too, cuz it's time for him to hibernate. yup yup.
and be really careful. you can actually still get herpes if you use condoms. same with genital warts. so I hope you're being a little more cautious than just slapping on a condom.