The best sex had in my entire life was with Stephen in Las Vegas at that sign convention thing. Man. MAN.

...Vegas has just been totally trumped by the five minutes ago in our kitchen. Fuck. I'm drunk. I don't know what else to say about it. love love love love love love love love
LoL biggrin
haha woohoo! Remind me to sit on nothing in your home. smile
I don't know about tomorrow or next week/next month/whatever...but right now I really enjoy my job. smile
Man I wish it would rain
Well the good thing about your new job is that it is close to your domicile, so really, you don't have to get up so early... Or dodge Bro' trucks with your bike. And don't worry, soon it will start raining, and then you'll be like... 'Sigh, I wish the sun would shine'. But have no fear, soon it will rain, then it wont be so hot at work. Have a good one.
"I am job."
"Beg your pardon?"
"I... am... job."
"Do you speak English?"
"I'm sorry, the position has been filled."

I am job at a video rental place. Still doesn't present the level of...something...that I hope to one day achieve, but it's infinity better than working at domino's. In a couple of months after I've saved, it's totally bitchin tattoo time.

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wink blush
COOL. Which store? Better than a liquor store I bet. Good luck. smile
If anyone can link me to a CLEAR detailed picture of Giger's Guardian Angel (I'd prefer the aluminum sculpture but will take whatever) it would be very cool and I'll probably put out for you. I'm trying to avoid buying a book if possible because uh, I have zero monies.

This is for a good cause, promise.
i gave it a try...no luck though
Dude... apply at the liquor store... you have register experience... Im sure he'll give you a job. Im going to quit this afternoon, so anytime after that.
If anyone can link me to a CLEAR detailed picture of Geiger's Guardian Angel it would be very cool and I'd probably put out for you. I'm trying to avoid buying a book if possible because uh, I have zero monies.

This is for a good cause, promise.
Today's Big Fat Fuck YOU goes out to:

Omnitrans, my cell phone that only rings when it fucking feels like it, those eight legged albino pieces of shit, and every blue-haired decrepit bag of organs driving a fucking land yacht of a vehicle nearly killing me when all I'm trying to do is cross the street the legal way.

I need some sex. mad
The following crap happens to Susan, on average, at least 3 times DAILY. Getting a smidge old.

1. She walks into a spiderweb, even when there's nothing around for a spider to possibly attach sticky ass-string to. Nature finds a way.

2. A tiny bug, or speck of dirt, or her own eyelashes (and sometimes head-hair) will become lodged in one of her eyeballs and...
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Wanna know something quite satisfying?
If some Bro's come in to buy beer and camel lights and skoal... I charge them extra. wink

Also, Did you check out Celeb Worship yet?
Because really. It is awesome.

[Edited on Oct 17, 2005 9:08PM]
hey there.. well i gotta say your #2 happens to me a lot.. i wear contacts so shit is always getting in them.. bro dudes, im at a lost for words lol

dont be a stranger
Ever look around and ask yourself, exactly how and when did THIS become my life?


Sneriously? I would invite yous guys over but we like to have dinner parties and drink wine and stuff... which never impresses Steve. Also I smoke the pot, which also I feel bad about because he can't/shouldnt smoke it.
We should Disneyland.
This sucks. With a capital suck.

I need to get out way, WAY more. If anybody ever wants to do anything, I'm your girl.
okay, just give me a ring tongue
I'd offer an invite to come out drinking and dancing, but I'm not sure you'd want to make the road trip to do so wink