The power of words....
Yesterday I spent the afternoon in the ER with my husband. He went mountain bike riding and ended up with a broken collar bone. I had just gotten out of the bathtub when he called from the car that he hurt himself, so I threw on my jeans, huge green sweat shirt and a pair of Chuck Taylors. I was not the vision of beauty you all have grown accustomed to. There is a reason for this discriptive. After we got signed in at the ER we were sitting to a very sweet older couple, they were in their 80's.. The woman had a French accent and began a conversation with my husband. They spoke about the Tour de France. As a little girl her father had taken her to it. I looked up from my book and this seemingly lovely woman became satan himself. She asked, "Is he your son?" My husband in my defense said, "You're in trouble now, she's my wife.", and I squeaked out, "He's my husband." My ego went down for the count, while I tried to rationalize why she would think I was his mother, and I left the two new friends to keep each other company... My son! Fuck! I know I married a man 6 years younger than me, but come now! And she was not demented.
So that leads me to this. The other night I watched a documentary about the word slut. People where up in arms about this word. They actually wanted to ban it with 7 other words. I thought, SLUT what a great word. So much emotion and description in one word. Then some woman said, I have re-defined the word slut and have empowered myself with it. Slut is slut, get over it. If you don't like the word then don't say it or put yourself into a situation in which it can be used on you. I believe strongly that we need these words, the words we don't like to appreciate the ones we do like. It's a balance. For example, we need pain to appreciate pleasure or pleasure to appreciate pain. And banning words?. It will only make the banned words more sought after. And just a though, we start with one word, where will it end? All I can say, after yesterday, call me slut, please. I am nobody's mother, especially my husbands.
Yesterday I spent the afternoon in the ER with my husband. He went mountain bike riding and ended up with a broken collar bone. I had just gotten out of the bathtub when he called from the car that he hurt himself, so I threw on my jeans, huge green sweat shirt and a pair of Chuck Taylors. I was not the vision of beauty you all have grown accustomed to. There is a reason for this discriptive. After we got signed in at the ER we were sitting to a very sweet older couple, they were in their 80's.. The woman had a French accent and began a conversation with my husband. They spoke about the Tour de France. As a little girl her father had taken her to it. I looked up from my book and this seemingly lovely woman became satan himself. She asked, "Is he your son?" My husband in my defense said, "You're in trouble now, she's my wife.", and I squeaked out, "He's my husband." My ego went down for the count, while I tried to rationalize why she would think I was his mother, and I left the two new friends to keep each other company... My son! Fuck! I know I married a man 6 years younger than me, but come now! And she was not demented.
So that leads me to this. The other night I watched a documentary about the word slut. People where up in arms about this word. They actually wanted to ban it with 7 other words. I thought, SLUT what a great word. So much emotion and description in one word. Then some woman said, I have re-defined the word slut and have empowered myself with it. Slut is slut, get over it. If you don't like the word then don't say it or put yourself into a situation in which it can be used on you. I believe strongly that we need these words, the words we don't like to appreciate the ones we do like. It's a balance. For example, we need pain to appreciate pleasure or pleasure to appreciate pain. And banning words?. It will only make the banned words more sought after. And just a though, we start with one word, where will it end? All I can say, after yesterday, call me slut, please. I am nobody's mother, especially my husbands.
sorry i haven't written back yet, my comp is on the fritz and I have to use the library so i can't write any really long messages

Sorry to hear your husband got hurt.And sorry that women decided to insult some people have just lost their minds.I also am older than my husband so i get your point.