So, two odd weeks later, much has been done: Stress induced. Lawyers visited. Changes made. Family appeased (though not without issue.) Apartment spring-cleaned. Laptop purchased. Clutter reduced. Diets begun (ish).
Regardless, wish trixel and I an agnostic hosannah come this June 29 as we will be offically married at the glorious Van Nuys courthouse center in a small, bunker-like room that was most likely built sometime around when Eisenhower was president. After the two minute ceremony we will serve chips and Kool-Aid while we spray paint the neighborhood with our own celebratory gang tags. (We're hitched Bitch! Burbank 4 life!)
Regardless, wish trixel and I an agnostic hosannah come this June 29 as we will be offically married at the glorious Van Nuys courthouse center in a small, bunker-like room that was most likely built sometime around when Eisenhower was president. After the two minute ceremony we will serve chips and Kool-Aid while we spray paint the neighborhood with our own celebratory gang tags. (We're hitched Bitch! Burbank 4 life!)

Thanks. The weirdest part of it all is that none of it is actually happening to me (knock wood), yet the people are all close enough that it affects me heavily.
CONGRATULATIONS! it has been awhile, but i'm still very happy for you both. best best all around.