So, from last Thursday through Sunday I worked like 45 hours. Things seem to have settled a bit, but the drama continues (not involving me thankfully, but still, it makes for a grind.) I've been reminded to say the mantra "I"m a tool" in times like these, as there's no good reason to get sucked into or become too stressed out others inability to function efficiently or rationally. I do the job expected of me and I'm doing it pretty damn good given the circumstances. I'm just a tool.
Though this tool wouldn't mind a little bit more free time. It's not like I get paid overtime.
Though this tool wouldn't mind a little bit more free time. It's not like I get paid overtime.

I love the all-encompassingness of the Olympics. Though, I must admit, the Winter games have always sort of been the redheaded stepchild in that twosome. Not that I don't love watching them and wouldn't love to go to some of the events live, but I think you know what I'm saying. I think seeing them here in LA back in the 80s really turned me into a fan for life.
Not much longer. *kiss*