So, the past week I've been extra down. In an effort to keep busy I've been trying to be social and visit friends and stuff. Went to a BBQ yesterday and went to Long Beach today with my friend Mike to spend time with some friends and their new baby. Afterward, we caught up with rawr_ima_monster at the Snake Pit on Melrose with a bunch of SGLA peeps. They were playing a unique card game whose name you can't say and whose rules you can't explain (and change the more you keep playing.) Coming in mid-way as we did, we were totally lost. Thankfully they were nice enough to restart the game and it was quite fun once we started figuring everything out.
Hollywood...The bane of many existances, even more since the time of The Rise of The Re-Makes has begun, I would like to commend you on your valour and strength in your dangerous have the entire Kingdom's prayers with you...
Now where did that Horse go?
Well Hurrah for gettin your ass back in, I am going to hopefully lure the attention of potentially , but most definately, dirty ol execs at CHUM, the bastards who could give me my lifelong dream job...However, until then? I am still just trying to sling slashers as much as I can, and Hey, ya never know...I hear Hollywood and Vancouver have become fast Bed Buddies, So ya never know...the wind may blow you up here on assignment, and if you have 24 hrs? I have a warehouse full of Lions Gate equipment, and my friend has the key (works in there) An Ed Wood can definately make a fun night out of a few Beers.
Oh yeah! You ever talk to The Jersey Devil Team??
I started to a few years back...and they are really cool, and have seen alot...(she spills some pretty rotten beans about what she alone has experienced...NOT good.)
Keep kickin em in the right place, Surly!!
Leers and Cheers!