So, three of the past five days have mostly sucked the balls. More insomnia and ennui.
To top it all off, I was working on my pilot script last night, after procrastinating for most of the evening, when all of one paragraph into what I hoped would be a fruitful multi-hour run on this bad boy... my monitor died. Well, thank you gods of 'hey, not only are you jobless, but we chose the most inopportune time for your stupid, huge, obsolete CRT monitor to screw the pooch sideways , so enjoy the early morning hours alone with no connection to writing or the outside world you non-sleeping suck bastard.'
But hey, I got to get up early and travel to Best Buy and be ignored for like 20 minutes and blow $200 of Visa's hard earned money on a new LCD monitor. (Which in point of fact is leaps and bounds better than the tank-like, brain-frying low resolution piece of shit that died on me. My porn has never looked more crisp!)
So, you take the good... you take the bad... you take em both...and oh screw it, I don't need that stupid tune running around my head all day.
Damn...too late. (When the world never seems/to be living up to your dreams...)
To top it all off, I was working on my pilot script last night, after procrastinating for most of the evening, when all of one paragraph into what I hoped would be a fruitful multi-hour run on this bad boy... my monitor died. Well, thank you gods of 'hey, not only are you jobless, but we chose the most inopportune time for your stupid, huge, obsolete CRT monitor to screw the pooch sideways , so enjoy the early morning hours alone with no connection to writing or the outside world you non-sleeping suck bastard.'
But hey, I got to get up early and travel to Best Buy and be ignored for like 20 minutes and blow $200 of Visa's hard earned money on a new LCD monitor. (Which in point of fact is leaps and bounds better than the tank-like, brain-frying low resolution piece of shit that died on me. My porn has never looked more crisp!)
So, you take the good... you take the bad... you take em both...and oh screw it, I don't need that stupid tune running around my head all day.
Damn...too late. (When the world never seems/to be living up to your dreams...)

I'm off to the library to the get the final volume of My Papa, take a little walk, then I'm going to see Little Miss Sunshine.
I looked at your bathrobe this morning and felt sad. I miss you.
ps. I think I'm going to get a copy of the single player game Hitman. I think all that sneaky type, strategy killing would be right up my alley.