right ear really hurts. I think I have an ear infection. I had a lot of them when I was little. My throat hurts too, and I just wish my ear would pop our something so it would feel better. I don't have any Q-Tips to clear it up, so I tried some kleenex and it kinda worked. Well not really, I still can barely hear and it hurts when I cough. I just wish I had Jaimie to come and take care of me and her mother would be able to tell me what to do to make it better. I took some Tylenol stuff, I don't know if it'll help thou. I gotta work tomorrow, but I know I'm gonna feel like crap like I did the day after thanksgiving. I'm gonna go back to cringing in pain now...
haha..i work at central...which hyvee are you at?...
Aw, thank you!