Well I'm on my lunch break right now (was, I wrote this earlier but didn't get it up till now) but it's time to go back to work already! *sigh*. I just had some sweet and spicy boneless wings from KFC, and I thought since it had the sweet part in it that I would be alright...boy was I wrong!!! It was like buffalo sauce mixed with some sweet stuff (kinda sweet and sour like). It was really good, but really fuckin hot. So I'm trying to get my shit together to go back to school. I've got my FAFSA halfway filled out and have enrolled in a game design class (yes I'm a dork). The other classes I have to take a test first that shows I know how to use a computer. Um hello they're all online duh I know how to use one! Anyway, I gotta get back to work or I'll be late! Catch ya all later! Oh and I get off Saturday night at 8pm and I have Sunday off! Yay!
well damn..a whole weekend off practically....what are you going to to with yourself?
well that sucks...yeah..i'll be here all over break if you want to hang out...who all did you hang out with at LHS?...well i'm going to go get started on some major studying