Okay, for the past couple months we have been debating at work who would win in a fight, a grizzly bear, or an African lion? Now I'm not saying throw the 2 in a pit and watch them go at it, i am talking actually hunting and stalking and killing. The grizzly bear is huge and out weighs the lion hands down and is extremely powerful, but the lion is faster and is quite patient and has some power as well. The grizzly has sharp claws and sharp teeth and quite a bit of fat to protect it, but the lion has sharper claws, a bigger mouth, and has a thick mane to protect its neck. The grizzly hunts fish....yeah that's right a fucking defenseless fish just trying to spawn and make more fish. i also realize that grizzly's eat other animals, but if it cant catch it, it gives up. Think of the grizzly as having A.D.D. Whereas the lion stalks its prey and can wait patiently just waiting for the right time to kill. Oh yeah and the last big cat i ever seen eat fish was my fucking cat and guess what? I HAD TO OPEN THE FUCKING CAN OF TUNA! that's how much pride a cat has. it wont stoop down to the level of hunting weak fish, but it will eat it if its served on a platter, or a plastic dish with its name on it. Lions hunt animals big animals, fast animals, and some mean animals. Sure more people have died in grizzly bear attacks than lion attacks, but that's because people aren't stupid enough to get close to a lion....and the majority of people attacked by the grizzly are hikers, i wouldn't even consider them people. "i know! lets just walk, we wont have a destination, but when we get there, we will turn around and walk back! and we wont take the path or the easy way! no no no, we will trail blaze through the mountains because nothing could possibly go wrong." sounds pretty handi-tarded to me. Anyway so i want some feed back on this I'm sure you can all tell i am going for the lion. so who would win in the wild, a grizzly bear, or an African lion? and ill even give the Grizzly home field advantage. Bear vs. Lion in the north western region of The U.S.A or the Canadian Rockies. (weather is not a factor here, we will say the temp is set at 20 degrees Celsius) Your feed back will mean the world to me, and i wont judge you if you disagree, its the debate of the century!!!
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Thank you for the support and kind comment you left on my new set. That made my day to hear such a sweet thing! It means a lot! Have a great day hun!