There are blackberry bushes at my apartment complex. The blackberries are ripe and ready to be eaten! After dinner I took a little bowl outside to the briars and filled the bowl w/berries for desert. Look at these things. Aren't they lovely?

Why doesn't anyone else eat them? Are we so far removed from farming that people don't see the berries? Do they not know they can eat them? Are they embarrassed to be seen filling a bowl with wild berries?
This fruit is like manna from heaven. It's been left alone to grow. No fertilizing, no bug spray, no pinching or trimming or watering. And these are the best blackberries in the world.
Why doesn't anyone else eat them? Are we so far removed from farming that people don't see the berries? Do they not know they can eat them? Are they embarrassed to be seen filling a bowl with wild berries?
This fruit is like manna from heaven. It's been left alone to grow. No fertilizing, no bug spray, no pinching or trimming or watering. And these are the best blackberries in the world.
There are tons of very overripe, sweet blackberries where I work. Only problem is- I had a baaaad virus last Sunday-Monday and vomited many, many blackberries multiple times (it seemed like much more was coming up than went down originally), so I'm kinda sticking with the raspberries now. On the plus side, I could maybe get you free overripe blackberries... seems like you got some already. They are growing all over around this town.
They do look pretty good. Must... go... find... some... vitamin... C.