Ok so I totally didn't want to write ANOTHER post today but this is so funny I've gotta share.
Apparently my ass is now the daily topic of conversation at one of the apartments in the complex I live in.
So I was out walking my dog Juno. As I got closer to my apt I passed this couple out drinking beers on their patio. I could hear their slurred conversation:
girl: "Have you ever seeeen, like, a clooooown?"
guy: "Yeah i've seen a clown. Gees."
girl: "You know how they've got, like, those huge fucking like, smiiiiiles." mumbles something unintelligible
guy: "I'm not looking at her." (mind I'm the only person around)
girl: "Yes you are looookit you."
guy: "No I'm not."
girl: "You're looking at her FLAT ass!" and this was almost yelled...for my benefit I'm sure.
I was mortally wounded. I DO have a flat ass. I walk and hike and climb a lot so I have a very toned muscular butt. But it's little...no fat on my butt. But I do have very fat huge boobs and that makes my butt seem even smaller. I'm very sensitve about my butt. I thought about going back and saying something but since this girl seemed like the kind of girl who'd rip your hair out over nothing, I decided to not put my Judo lessons to use and just slunk home to stuff my panties with toilet paper.
So check it out. Today I'm walking Juno and I see them again. And this is what I hear:
guy: "I'm not looking. I'm not looking."
girl: "Why would you wanna look anyway? Her ass is so HUGE you couldn't...."
I couldn't make out the rest. Oh I was so amused! I've decided to walk by that apartment each day to listen to these 2 argue and to see what new kind of insult I might have hurled at me as I mind my own business walkin my dog.
Apparently my ass is now the daily topic of conversation at one of the apartments in the complex I live in.
So I was out walking my dog Juno. As I got closer to my apt I passed this couple out drinking beers on their patio. I could hear their slurred conversation:
girl: "Have you ever seeeen, like, a clooooown?"
guy: "Yeah i've seen a clown. Gees."
girl: "You know how they've got, like, those huge fucking like, smiiiiiles." mumbles something unintelligible
guy: "I'm not looking at her." (mind I'm the only person around)
girl: "Yes you are looookit you."
guy: "No I'm not."
girl: "You're looking at her FLAT ass!" and this was almost yelled...for my benefit I'm sure.
I was mortally wounded. I DO have a flat ass. I walk and hike and climb a lot so I have a very toned muscular butt. But it's little...no fat on my butt. But I do have very fat huge boobs and that makes my butt seem even smaller. I'm very sensitve about my butt. I thought about going back and saying something but since this girl seemed like the kind of girl who'd rip your hair out over nothing, I decided to not put my Judo lessons to use and just slunk home to stuff my panties with toilet paper.
So check it out. Today I'm walking Juno and I see them again. And this is what I hear:
guy: "I'm not looking. I'm not looking."
girl: "Why would you wanna look anyway? Her ass is so HUGE you couldn't...."
I couldn't make out the rest. Oh I was so amused! I've decided to walk by that apartment each day to listen to these 2 argue and to see what new kind of insult I might have hurled at me as I mind my own business walkin my dog.
I'll be offline until Aug 1 or so, sorry to make you wait.