Ok, so I have been thinking (dangerous I know), my life isn't very exciting like all you lovely SGs and SGHs. I don't have exciting things to report, I just go about my life. Work, sleep, eat, maybe socialise and the odd vacation. I wish I could say I way exotic, enigmatic and exciting but I'm just me, rather ordinary.
I do however have thoughts and feelings to share. I've discussed this today with a fantastic SG blogger @theatombomb and I thing the point of blogging isn't always what you did at the weekend (again unless this is what you want to share). It's a platform to share whatever it is you wish to share. I haven't really posted any interesting blogs so far (in my opinion) as I've really not known what to write. I kind of thought more about what everyone else wanted to hear rather than what I wanted to say or put out there.
My point in this is that in this open minded, welcoming community of SG I think there is the opportunity for me to share my feelings, ideas an thoughts. What I want to share. Not what I think people want to hear. I believe that to be part of the ethos of SG. I don't have a great body to share with you all. I don't aspire to be an SG or SGH, but I do want to be able to express myself freely as a woman and as an individual.
I know that most of you on here don't know a lot about me but now that I've been here a few months I feel comfortable enough now to start sharing some insights into who I am. Rather than going on about my mundane life (ok I probably will a wee bit), I propose to start blogging in my thoughts, ideas and such. I hope you will enjoy reading them but if not... Eh I'm sorry, it's about my thoughts and expressions. Please give me your thoughts on what I write. Discussion is great and I enjoy that and I'm always interested in other's points of view on what I have to say. You all seem respectful so I'm pretty comfortable with what comments I will potentially receive.
Let the blogging commence :)