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So, I'm currently in Manchester playing at being a grown up career woman. I've been sent here by my boss to do a wine sampling for the alcohol contract. Fun but serious. I'm representing the region (Scotland) and I suspect I'm a good deAl younger than most of those attending. A bit daunting but I'm sure I'll be fine :)
Hi all you lovely ladies,
As some of you may be aware if you have read my recent blogs, I have recently been affected by cervical abnormalities (precancerous cells). I know that smear tests are annoying and sometimes it's really hard to find the time to make that appointment with the busy lives we lead. I urge you all to MAKE the time. This may
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So here is a wee update on my last blog (if you're interested haha).
Following the surgery I had last week to remove the precancerous cells I had, I got an infection! Luckily the doctor gave me some antibiotics to take if I suspected infection. I had an infection when I had a biopsy of the area last year so I knew what to look...
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Okay I'll cover the not so fun first! I have had low grade pre cancerous cells of the cervix for over a year now. Today I found out that this has accelerated to high grade. So, I had to have treatment for this today. I was given the option of another biopsy and waiting, however in view of the fact that I have gone from
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I've not been very active if late as maybe some of you may have noticed. Work has been crazy and really stressful. I've been putting in 14 hour days.. Sometimes more. So you can understand why I haven't had a lot of time to myself! I really need to catch up with all you lovely people. Let me know what I've missed with you guys!...
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So I'm off all of next week. What shall I do? I need suggestions! I have stuff to do at home but I want to have fun too! I want to go to the movies but what else? Answers on a postcard please :)
Thank you
Babs xx
I booked my next session with my tattoo artist! I'm getting the colour started and maybe finished! Not sure how long it will take. Two to four hours most likely. I can't wait!