Here are a couple of sneak peaks of my next set, Little Ragged Blossom, which has just been accepted into the queue to be released in 4 months 3 weeks (looks like bang on my fiance's birthday at this stage :D). Little Ragged Blossom is a character from a book I loved growing up, Snugglepot & Cuddlepie (check it out). Because it's all based upon the Australian Bush I figured it was fitting for my first set outside among nature.
I've been slacking on the blog homework a little lately... because real life homework has got in the way. Sometimes I find it SO damn hard to stay focused on uni when there are about fifteen hundred other things I want to be doing. Especially when the sun is shining. I have been getting much better at my uni/life/work balance lately though. This weekend I have a total of 6500 words of assignments due. However I have also managed to squeeze in catching up with local SG members, attended my fiance's rap battle, caught up with my dad for an afternoon while he was in the city, and tomorrow I'm taking a day off from study (other than classes of course) to spend at the beach with my man & my pupplets for my birthday.
Fuck I love birthdays. Not just my own (people who don't like their own birthdays, I'm sorry, but I don't understand you!) But I just adore seeing people I love happy so much. And I guess when you are the birthday girl or boy, you just get heaps of happy. And its the best.
Today while I was chatting with my dad he said the rest of family asked if I was saving for stuff so they could give me money for my birthday, and he said that I would spend it on tattoos. Which I would. BUT the majority of my family, not including dad, hate tattoos so I doubt I'll be getting any new additions soon. Thanks for that one man!
Okay quick little blog homework here... If you could invent something what would it be? @missy @ rambo @charmaine
1. A way to tell if avocados were bad from the outside. I mean come on, feeling them isn't a good enough indicator most of the time. I don't want to open my avocado to shitty brown stuff I want green avo goodness god dammit!
2. Quick set jelly (or jello depending where your from) I bought a few packets of jelly the other day, of course I made it when I got home straight away. Then yesterday I was like oooooh we have jelly I want some, but you cant have jelly when you want it, you have to wait 4 hours.
3. A way to keep toast extra hot. I hate cold toast so much that if I don't finish my toast before its luke warm I probably wont eat the rest.
Ha I can't believe they are all food related!
Also! Don't forget to give my first set Winter Sun some sweet loving if you haven't already.
Sending lots of love & light your way,
Sunflower xx