I really love writing the homework blogs for @missy & @rambo. I'm a bit said I've dropped the ball with it lately. This week was my first week back at uni, and if that wasn't enough excitement for the week I thought I'd also take a couple of extra shifts at work and even got attacked by a feral cat.
If you could have any superpower what would it be and why?
I was going to go for teleporting but that would really just make my life easier.. & I would be able to get to the other side of the world in a heartbeat to see all the lovely ladies I've met through SG or just the otherside of AUS to join in on shootfests and all the fun stuff that I miss out on living in the most isolated city on earth.
However I chose the ability to speak with animals.
Before SG it was pretty rare for me to have a selfie without an animal in it. Here are some of my animal friends of the last few years :)
I mean as much as being able to talk to my dogs would blow my mind, I'd use this super power to help animals by improving animal welfare worldwide. While science and studying animal behavior has given us a fairly solid understanding of when an animal is feeling pleasure or pain, the suffering of so many animals is ignored by the masses. If someone could translate what animals felt in words I think it would be harder to ignore. The suffering of livestock for our consumption, of domestic pets, or wild creatures in captivity who are neglected, bred excessively, abused among other things obviously needs to be heard. If we knew what the mother of the puppy who we bought in a pet shop went through in her life in a puppy farm, or the life of the caged chicken who's eggs we are eating I believe many people would think twice about their choices. I know that pet shops and zoos and farms will probably always exist, BUT we can improve animal's lives so much if only we listen to what they need.
I hope to work in improving animal welfare standards after I graduate uni, but being able to truly give a voice to voiceless animals would change the world. A girl can dream right?
Also my dogs decided to runaway yesterday. And I almost had a heartattack... well maybe not literally but it was close. I had to leave work 2 hours early (huge bonus of working in the animal industry as my boss understood) and spent hours driving and running around the streets screaming for them. Found them 2 doors down from my house... Chester (the big one) sitting on a ladies lap in her living room, and she referred to Grizzly as "a monster" which is spot on. It made me so happy to have such sweet neighbors who will not only rescue my dogs but love them while I couldn't find them. I was not so happy with my little sister who let them escape. If I could talk to my dogs I could find out why the f they run away when they loose there brains with joy to see us when we find them??
What super power would you choose?
And here are some totally unrelated pictures....
P.S Have you heard this song?! IF NOT DO IT.... DO IT NOW!
"every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top"