Please excuse the homework hair.
I have been doing homework in Stats for Psychology and I've discovered a few things.
Being a psychology major a person comes to realize that...
I must be truthful and admit I am a
not too mention if give an opportunity
Also I feel it is important to mention...
there are many times that I am hanging out with friends having the time of my life but ultimately...
In all honesty the shirts that I choose to buy are not just ways to make people laugh and break the ice. I truly believe in what the shirts say. They are outlets of my mood, my desires and just plainly how I feel that day. These shirts just put it out there without me saying it, but if asked, I would be honest and say, "Man I need a hug just because it has been that kind of day".
I have been through a lot and for everything I've had thrown at me have an awesome disposition. I choose to be like my inspiration @arsenic_ and be the kindest gentlest person/spirit possible. I choose to live in love and have genuine concern for others. These shirts are in fact a philosophy but my breakdown choose only one philosophy I would have to say it is this...
This blog is dedicated to those that are struggling and also for those that are just having a bad day! When those times are most daunting and difficult feel free drop a line and just vent if need be. Plus to those that are real with us and share a genuine concern for the people they meet. @reaper @marajade @dallas @lillybelle @sin_derella @_finklestein_ @roz @serena8schizophrenia @kremson @ladyw4nkenobi and of course @arsenic_ I list you because I call you all friends, I have had conversations with you, learned from you and have the greatest of love for you all.
I wish everyone out in SGland a weekend filled with love, joy, happiness and moments that will blow your socks off. Much love to you all out there.