Please excuse the homework hair.

I have been doing homework in Stats for Psychology and I've discovered a few things.

Being a psychology major a person comes to realize that...

I must be truthful and admit I am a

not too mention if give an opportunity

Also I feel it is important to mention...

there are many times that I am hanging out with friends
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I was down to the 4th picture before I realized that I was supposed to read the tshirt.  I had to start over.  Awesome!
This wins for most creative blog, seriously!! Your shorts rock!! :)  Thank you so much for always being such a sweetheart! xoxo

When you realize your bed time was four hours ago but you are still surfing SG... I love this place and want to take the time to say THANK YOU to all of you for, well...just being you. I adore you all and love This place, if only the real world had the ideals of this site we might be better off for it. With...
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I can pat my head and rub my belly at the same time.... But I cannot pat my belly and rub my head at the same time. I have been working to fix this for many years but still to this day, this inability to change haunts me.

-Have a lovely day SG


Hey there everyone. How are you? I am doing well and in a wonderful mood. One of the classes I am taking is one a friend suggested to me. It is a behavior modification class. I thought it was a class to help us learn to change other people's behavior. Wrong!!!! This class is set up for Self-Directed Behavior or that is the title of...
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Happy Sunday, today aught to be interesting. I am to join three couples for brunch, I am friends with along with a mutual friend. Both of us are the only single people and well it looks like a set up. Problem is I know she is into some dude from outta state… really “friends”. At least if you’re gonna set someone up know that they’re...
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Well it's that time of year, school starts this coming Monday. I am having mixed feelings. I am tired of being bored out of my mind. At the same time I am not just ready to dive into the semester. I am taking Five classes one with an hour lab so closer to six. I am not worried about the case load, seeing as I...
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