some dude asked me:
"how do you know when you have crabs???"
"well, i'll be glad to inform you....that I HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA!!!"
"...but...i'm willing to bet.....that it's when you're asking me!!!"
"how do you know when you have herpes???"
...i don't know...ask those red splotches on your dick....
"how do you know when you have crabs???"
"well, i'll be glad to inform you....that I HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA!!!"
"...but...i'm willing to bet.....that it's when you're asking me!!!"
"how do you know when you have herpes???"
...i don't know...ask those red splotches on your dick....
what a wierdo.
Ha! Yeah, you're just about right. If you've gotta ask, then you've probably got 'em.