sometimes the only constant is change.
sometimes you have to wreck everything to build something beautiful.
or perhaps i just like to play in the rubble.
pick up shiny new toys that burn my fingers.
sit back and marvel at the glowing sky
like a rebroadcast of shock and awe.
all playing out on mute before my eyes.
detached and disconnected.
I dole out hurt and feel only ache.
dull pain for sharp.
the daffodils are peeking up in my yard.
i can't wait to sweat again.
back to the grind.
sometimes you have to wreck everything to build something beautiful.
or perhaps i just like to play in the rubble.
pick up shiny new toys that burn my fingers.
sit back and marvel at the glowing sky
like a rebroadcast of shock and awe.
all playing out on mute before my eyes.
detached and disconnected.
I dole out hurt and feel only ache.
dull pain for sharp.
the daffodils are peeking up in my yard.
i can't wait to sweat again.
back to the grind.

non linear dynamic systems!! dig it, for real.
i'm coming to appreciate change, variance, and surprise.
surprise is still hard for me though.
We were watching the new Galactica, but there's certainly nothing wrong with the old Sci-Fi favorites... Hell, I've already subjected her to the 1936 Flash Gordon serials. Perhaps next time I'll dress up and tell her nether-regions to Live Long and Prosper, ifyaknowwhatimean