So i'm finally getting around to sending out my Festivus invites. I should have done this last week, but i'm pretty unorganized. Everyone on my friends list living around portland should be getting one in their Email box. Let me know if you don't. It isn't really an SG thing, but there'll be free booze! And really, isn't that what the holidays are all about?...
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Oh shit... I just realized, this is the same weekend that my best friend will be in town that weekend. I'll figure it out... even if I can only come for a little bit 

This is gonna be awesome.
So I'm back.
I'm digging my new place, but not having a dog around is really starting to bum me out. I never thought I'd miss william sticking his wet nose into the crook of my elbow, but i do.
I have my second day being the assistant to rock band class tomorrow. I guess they decided to keep me. Maybe it's because i told...
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I'm digging my new place, but not having a dog around is really starting to bum me out. I never thought I'd miss william sticking his wet nose into the crook of my elbow, but i do.
I have my second day being the assistant to rock band class tomorrow. I guess they decided to keep me. Maybe it's because i told...
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I really wish that I could sing like PJ Harvey, or Tori Amos, Or Karen O of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs.
On a separate note, my friend Rendo has tickets to the upcoming Eels show. It is this coming weekend, and I wish to hell I had planned ahead and bought those tickets. You are in Portland, you must understand. On another semi related note, my friend Toussaint plays horns for the portland band Ape Shape, and let me tell you, they rock. Big Time! Oh, yeah... I absoluley love it when my friends have shows... especially when I can make it to the shows... So no worries about the
Rock, love, and woo fucking hoo for squirrels!
oh, and one more thing,
I tend to shake the booty at work. Today I was asked by a fellow coworker if I was in a car accident in the late sixties, cus the way i was shimmying in the store was vury much that genre. No matter, I do what I want, and obviously do not go to bed. at last, g'nite
and a piggy to boot! most fellow portlanders are welcome in my world.
On a separate note, my friend Rendo has tickets to the upcoming Eels show. It is this coming weekend, and I wish to hell I had planned ahead and bought those tickets. You are in Portland, you must understand. On another semi related note, my friend Toussaint plays horns for the portland band Ape Shape, and let me tell you, they rock. Big Time! Oh, yeah... I absoluley love it when my friends have shows... especially when I can make it to the shows... So no worries about the
Rock, love, and woo fucking hoo for squirrels!

oh, and one more thing,
I tend to shake the booty at work. Today I was asked by a fellow coworker if I was in a car accident in the late sixties, cus the way i was shimmying in the store was vury much that genre. No matter, I do what I want, and obviously do not go to bed. at last, g'nite

Ok, so the 14 and 15 year olds may have some promise, but never forget that you are re-hashing the scene from, what, eight, or ten years ago, and like you said:
"hey've all got plenty of talent and they don't really need us, so i feel a little extra useless."
plus, dreadlocks are no longer sexy.
for this I am quite proud of you for. I don't blame you for finding the occasional dreadlock sexy, but I never did. Even when they had some rightious (oh god, spelling please) special tribal tattoos on the facial area. did you know sarah? her sexy boy had the tribals, and facial thingies to boot. plus he was at least twice her size. absoflogginglutly adorable. alright. g'nite.
"hey've all got plenty of talent and they don't really need us, so i feel a little extra useless."
plus, dreadlocks are no longer sexy.
for this I am quite proud of you for. I don't blame you for finding the occasional dreadlock sexy, but I never did. Even when they had some rightious (oh god, spelling please) special tribal tattoos on the facial area. did you know sarah? her sexy boy had the tribals, and facial thingies to boot. plus he was at least twice her size. absoflogginglutly adorable. alright. g'nite.
Other than some boxes of books, the move is done. Unfortunately i goofed on phone/cable. I should have done that a week ago so now i won't have any internet until around tuesday. Assuming that i can hook up Ubuntu to the internet fairly easily. Shit, i just realized that I'll need a new monitor too. I always forget how expensive it is to move....
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You need a monitor? You can have my 17"
Just saw the last paragraph... I'll give you a buzzzzz.
[Edited on Oct 19, 2005 8:11PM]
Just saw the last paragraph... I'll give you a buzzzzz.
[Edited on Oct 19, 2005 8:11PM]
So we did the pumpkin thing and we brought in 11 pumkins for the children's hoapital. dovienya was there and he kicked in a bunch of pumkins and hotpockets gave to the kids too. Afterwards we dropped them off at the hospital. um, the pumkins, not dovienya and HP.
I was going to write a bunch of stuff about moving into my new apartment but...
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I was going to write a bunch of stuff about moving into my new apartment but...
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I'm sure the kids liked the pumpkins more than they would've liked me!
I had no clue when your Birthday was, until I looked over there
I am so tired & the world has conspired against me getting any sleep. Everytime I am almost asleep, something happens & wakes me. I feel & look like a zombie... but, just in time for Halloween!
I am so tired & the world has conspired against me getting any sleep. Everytime I am almost asleep, something happens & wakes me. I feel & look like a zombie... but, just in time for Halloween!

Well i just lost any free time i might have had because i foolishly bought an x-box on craigslist with a bunch of games. Between practicing guitar, slaughtering aliens and reading thru this stack of spy books there's just not much time left. I barely watch TV anymore and even movies are getting sporadic. Of course, that didn't stop me from volunteering my fridays at...
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Well, aren't we quite the philanthropist.
That makes me
That makes me

stingy pumpkin farmers. 

Yay! My girlfriend comes back from the doctor today! She had to get her saddle reslotted, if you know what i mean.
When i see her, i'm going to finger her scar and then tickle her belly until she sings.

When i see her, i'm going to finger her scar and then tickle her belly until she sings.

I was bored... I found these too!
1. Patrick needs a Blog! There are so many out there! Come on Pat! (You do realize, if you do get that blog, I will come visit you on my trip across Canada AND the US!)
2. In order to keep his "Magik" at full throttle, Patrick needs to bathe periodically
in "the blood of his blood" (Good times)
3. Patrick needs a pillow. (Me too)
4. Maybe a change of scenery and pace will be just what Patrick needs (Yep)
5. Patrick needs more bloodwork done. (What is with this obsession with blood?)
1. Patrick needs a Blog! There are so many out there! Come on Pat! (You do realize, if you do get that blog, I will come visit you on my trip across Canada AND the US!)
2. In order to keep his "Magik" at full throttle, Patrick needs to bathe periodically
in "the blood of his blood" (Good times)
3. Patrick needs a pillow. (Me too)
4. Maybe a change of scenery and pace will be just what Patrick needs (Yep)
5. Patrick needs more bloodwork done. (What is with this obsession with blood?)
It's Louis Armstrong 

Well i got my computer mostly fixed and updated. It only took all weekend. I now run an african version of linux called ubuntu. It's pretty good, but before i switched i tried getting mandrake linux to recognize the full size of my new hard drive and now everything is wiped. Fucking corporate linux can suck my balls. About the only thing i lost of...
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Well, I love that part in Garden State where the dude is talking to the doc, explaining how he figures he never needed the meds to begin with & the weird headaches, etc. I just laughed & laughed at that part... then rewound it & pressed play & laughed & laughed again as I watched it, completely stunned to the simularity to his conversation & my conversation with my therapist only months before. It is amazing how side effects blend into what you believe are "symptoms" & you are too doped up to realize it.
I'd say something, but fuck it.
Why do I get that same feeling about meeting him again? I don't know. This is starting to creep me out.

thanks for the note, cheeky monkey!
ok ok i think you're my most favoritest cheekiest monkey i haven't the bananas to meet.
ok ok i think you're my most favoritest cheekiest monkey i haven't the bananas to meet.

Just i suspected. Nobody reads this except for those folks in the purple comments. Well here's some stuff that's meandering and disjointed because a lot of crap has been happening and it's too late to get it all out coherently.
I almost killed two of my best friends. Food poisoning to be brief. I thought i would have to kill myself out of shame, but...
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I almost killed two of my best friends. Food poisoning to be brief. I thought i would have to kill myself out of shame, but...
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Everyone has the right to go to hell in their own way. I'm not going to make any judgements and i'm not going to twist any arms for somebody's own good, so kindly return the favor and don't ask otherwise of me. It's all i can do to keep my own shit in one sock so how can i change another when i can't even change myself? I'm in a life or death struggle here! Shelter, support and a well placed nudge are all apprecieated, but until you can take a piss for me you can't live my life for me.
Friendship is grand and i'd like to think i'd lay down my life for those close to me, but if i don't have to associate with assholes then i ain't gonna. Life is a journey and there's no sense in making the trip worse by traveling with fucknuts.
Everyone has the right to go to hell in their own way. I'm not going to make any judgements and i'm not going to twist any arms for somebody's own good, so kindly return the favor and don't ask otherwise of me. It's all i can do to keep my own shit in one sock so how can i change another when i can't even change myself? I'm in a life or death struggle here! Shelter, support and a well placed nudge are all apprecieated, but until you can take a piss for me you can't live my life for me.
Friendship is grand and i'd like to think i'd lay down my life for those close to me, but if i don't have to associate with assholes then i ain't gonna. Life is a journey and there's no sense in making the trip worse by traveling with fucknuts.
Because of my body's strange ability to sedate itself, I am only halfway getting what anybody says in full. Bare with me. Oh, and if you would have called me, I wouldn't know what you were saying really anyway. I am WAY out of it these last few weeks.
That guy seems to have vanished. I haven't heard anything about it and, in St. Helens, I think I would have heard something if something was up by now. I think it has died off. At least if he decides to continue, I know who to call. Before I didn't know what to do.
My mom poisened me last Christmas with aspertame, which I am deathly allergic too. She didn't seem to care that I was on the verge of calling 911 for 10 days.
You moved? Where are you right now? Will I be able to find it, or this new place pretty easily?
I like that building. It reminds me of one of my favorite pictures...

That guy seems to have vanished. I haven't heard anything about it and, in St. Helens, I think I would have heard something if something was up by now. I think it has died off. At least if he decides to continue, I know who to call. Before I didn't know what to do.
My mom poisened me last Christmas with aspertame, which I am deathly allergic too. She didn't seem to care that I was on the verge of calling 911 for 10 days.
You moved? Where are you right now? Will I be able to find it, or this new place pretty easily?
I like that building. It reminds me of one of my favorite pictures...

I'm curious. If i'm on your interesting list then please reply. Preferably with a comment about what you like read in here. If there's interest, then i'll post something again because a few things have been rolling around in my head.
I googled that... alot of guitar stuff... is that it?

No, you are on my Friends list. Does that mean that i find you more or less than interesting?
I think more obliged, right?
haha. I 'unno. I really like hearing about your random encounters in the park.