My weekend was nice. I got a raise, suprised my girl with some beautiful roses (yes I know cheesy but thats me!), went to the Tyranny of Shaw show, and saw that movie Big Fish (really good film). I start school (again) tomorrow, I'm nervous.
I hope this acting gig doesn't backfire on me. Then again both my father and grandfather made/make livings on this. I'm not really planning to go after Hollywood or anything like that, I just want to be able to get by without the "struggling actor" thing ever meeting me. Grrr. We'll see. I know I can do it (not being cocky, but confident), I'm just concerned (scared?). Dah, fuck it. I'm babbling. G-night!

I think the exhaustion was caused from working the morning shifts Im more the type of person that goes to bed at 5 in the morning not getting up at that time to go to work. they changed the schedule so there's no more morning shifts for me Im starting to feel a lot better, but you're right I should also start exercising more Ive been slacking for about month now.