Ok, update! I threw out the 350. I have the ol' 216 running. Car is coming along good. Need her in perfect running condition for the Turkey Run in November. I'll do the engine swap come December or January. Going for a 327. That's it. Good night. biggrin
Ok, I bought a new engine for he '39. She's coming along. Not too slow, not too quick. Just right I guess. I have to pick her up next weekend. Balanced and blueprinted 350 small block Chevy. Includes a tranny with a shift kit. I know, I know, it's a 350, but fuck it, I got it for 257 bucks! biggrin
Just bought a 1939 Chevrolet Master De Luxe for 500 bones. Yay me! I shall build her and have her done by November for the Daytona Turkey Run! A tree fell on it's roof during the hurricanes last year, but who needs a roof anyway... wink
Gah. People frustrate me. I need to get the ball rolling... frown
The Miracles a hammer, a chisel, a scraper, some sandpaper and a heat gun can do to the Olds. Thanks Sebsis! Things are ok around here. Im teaching myself to weld and do bodywork on the Olds, save some $$$. Working a lot and hanging in there. I think I finally got a buyer for my Fender Bass. Hopefully it'll be gone soon. Im in...
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You kick some serious ass learning that yourself - I wish i had someone around here to help me with my Ford because I want to learn. I don't really want to pay someone else to just make her pretty. But that looks like what's going to happen. I'm dying to start working on her, she's been in the garage since mid October! Makes me sad. frown

Groundhog Day: I woke up this morning to the alarm going off via the radio and a newscaster announcing that, that damn groundhog came out, took one look around and went back under. That means another 6 weeks of Winter damnit!! I hate cold. Can't complain too much being in FL. wink My question though, is do they shock the poor little guy every year this day to make him come out in the first place?? Terrible thought. Hummmm...

* hearts sqp*
update!! kiss
I slept like a bear last night. I am keeping busy ripping off bondo from the Olds., it is 85% bondo/ 15% other. The miracles a chisel, a hammer, some sand paper and spray paint can do! biggrin
Yeah the heat gun and a scraper. Be careful not to burn yourself or set anything on fire. Those things are super hot.

Dunno why melancholy. Guess I'm still feeling the big void the my ex dumping me left. I've gone out on a couple of dates, but they didn't go real well. There are a few people I'm attracted to, but that's not going anywhere. I hang out with friends when I can, but everyone has their own lives. So I'm sort of isolated and stuff. I guess in 8 years I got used to not being alone, and when she moved to L.A. and I was going to join her out there it was hard, but OK, but then when I told her I would be moving out there in 2 weeks and she told me not to and stuff. Well. I don't know. That's part of why I'm moving to San Diego. I just want to get the hell away from Florida and stuff. Start over (at my age that should be great...)
Thanks, I appreciated your comment smile
Just another weekend. It was a nice one though. Had my job dinner party thing, it was nice. Couldn't sleep well last night. Got up at 4:30 in the morning, on the dot. Ugh! There's something bothering me. I don't know what it is, but it is. Maybe I need to get out more. Vacation would sound nice, but I just had one. Oh fuck....
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A NEON! Put the keys on the hood in a bad part of town, and run, don't walk away!

(Sorry, you know me and Chrysler, I can't help it)

The optimism feels good! I had forgotten what it felt like to honestly have a good feeling about myself and my future. I mean, I don't hate myself and shit, but I always wonder why I have to be a nice guy, and get shit on.

Funny about the sleep. Last night I didn't wake up around 3:00 for once! But a bad thunderstorm rolled in at about 4:30 and woke me. I lay there for a second, and then I looked at my clock and saw what time it was and I just cracked up laughing! I laughed so hard I woke myself all the way up, so I've now been up 18 hours and I'm not sleepy. I'm still chuckling about the 4:30 wake up call though...

I'm going to have to put a new carb on the Falcon before I do anything with her. I was thinking if I get her running good, I may keep her and take her to San Diego with me.
You're missed too!!

How are you doing??

Same shit different day.
hey the '52 is even a stick! I see the '53 is an auto. Pity. I never want to own another automatic again. Have not owned one in over a decade, so I'm doing good so far. I wonder if I can unload my '68 Falcon and quickly and get that '52... Those straight 6's are so easy to keep running...
You are, of course, the man. I really don't need to point it out as it is perfectly obvious. As plain as day, but I figured I would say it anyway...