I am reading "the Art of Seduction" by Robert Greene. He's the same guy that wrote "The 48 Laws of Power". It's good stuff. Very good author. I need to read the 48 laws again. We have some nice cold weather down here, I like it! My job is more pleasant when its cold out and I'm not drenched in sweat.
Other than that no new news. All seems alright.

Nice cold weather? Ive never heard anyone say that before usually something more like #*&$ing cold weather but if its making your job more pleasant that's good. New Years was all right I did enjoy the time off. Sorry Ive been away from SG for a while so I had to go back a couple entries to see what you did, I kinda wish my New Years was more calm like yours. Hey that's great you're going back to school, better to try now then have regrets later.
are those self help books? like, how to win friends and influence people? they sound like that or erotica.