Hi guys! Sorry I've been gone so long. Things are hectic down here. I hate the holidays. I have to work three-times as hard for the same shitty pay. All people do is give you crap about how they need to get their gifts to their destinations before Christmas and that they need to be safe blah blah blah. Anyway... My Olds has been further taken apart, and I am considering trying college one more time. Third times a charm huh??? Things with my girlfriend seem to be going alright. I can't complain I guess. How have things been around here??? How are all of you???
Hi SUGARC0MA5, How are you? Im not so well I have a cold that wont go away, thanks for asking. Yeah a job is a job it pays the bills and buys the food, that sucks you have to put up with so many annoying people. If going back to school is a way of getting a better job then Id say go for it, if I had the money for school Id go back too, Ive always wanted to go to film school. That's a great profile pic by the way.
You gone again??