Ok, no pictures, and no stories. I went up to Melbourne with Tyranny of Shaw and Tunes for Bears to Dance to. It was fun, they played, so did Jesse Washington (great band), The South (great band), and two other bands whose names I cannot recall. It was a 3 hour drive up, I made it a 2 hour hour drive back at like 1 in the morning.
I came home because I could not get Sat. off from work. All of my friends (except for one who came home too) went up to Orlando (40 min. drive) for an after party. Oh well, next time. So Sat. comes along, I'm on 4 hours worth of sleep, and Im tired (obviously). I got someone to cover for me the last 2 hours of my shift. I went home, showered, and picked up my ex. We went to see a good friend of ours who moved back up to Jacksonville
. We left to go to the movies, but could not decide what movie theatre, so I suggested renting one to which she agreed. Then she brought up dinner, I suggested we take out, so she agreed. We went ahead and bought Chicken Kitchen and borrowed "Tetsuo the Iron Man" and "Creepshow" from my good friend. We went to my place, ate dinner and we started talking. I said something (of which I cannot remember) and she hit me and ran away. So I chased her and we wrestled for a while until I got tired. Then we just lay there on my bed. She hugged me and told me she missed me. I stayed quet for a bit then turned around and asked her if I should respond to that. She said "Umm.. that would be nice..." all shy like or whatever. So I kissed her and we "made up"
.. So now we are back together, and I couldn't be happier.
Woohoo! Life is good. Anyway. I hope everyones weekeend was as interesting or good. Tell me about it... I want to read!

I updated my journal! Can you beleive?
How are you?? still on cloud 9?